
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

"When Love Gets a Hold of You" country singer, familiarly 67
It begins "Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again" 67
Like the magic pebble in "Sylvester and the Magic Pebble" 67
Roger who won the Best Actor Tony for "Nicholas Nickleby" 67
Victoria's lasted longer than that of any other British monarch 67
"On that you can ___" ("As Time Goes By" lyric) 67
Band whose "Man on the Moon" is a tribute to Andy Kaufman 67
Pierce's co-star in ''The Thomas Crown Affair'' 67
What Ozzy's "Wicked" didn't get, on '88 album 67
Prefix with ''active'' or ''grade'' 67
Drummer who narrated "Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends" 67
City that Fred Astaire was "flying down to" in a 1934 hit 67
Like each starred answer's first letter, when used as a numeral 67
Friar Laurence said to him, "Thou art wedded to calamity" 67
New Jersey village that was the first ever to be incandescently lit 67
Witherspoon and Wilson's co-star in "How Do You Know" 67
"Time" called her the "soul of romantic comedy" 67
"She's a good old worker and a good old pal," in song 67
Word with ''Carlos'' or ''Antonio'' 67
''Fernando'' or ''Gabriel'' starter 67
Brand name derived from the French for "without caffeine" 67
He wrote "I exist, that is all, and I find it nauseating" 67
1957 four-LP jazz set subtitled "A Musical Autobiography" 67
Common Tin Pan Alley song form (as, e.g., "I Got Rhythm") 67
Rodgers and Hammerstein's "There Is Nothing Like ___" 67
Billionaire Khashoggi whose luxury yacht was bought by Donald Trump 67
Christopher's bumped-off fiancée on "The Sopranos" 67
British philosopher who wrote "Language, Truth and Logic" 67
Football Hall-of-Famer who became a Minnesota Supreme Court justice 67
___ Round Table (erstwhile New York City intelligentsia collective) 67
"Munsters" actor who ran for governor of New York in 1998 67
Organization whose 2008 endorsement John McCain did not reciprocate 67
Compilation album about drinking and troubles among the Mennonites? 67
Neil Diamond "Three Chord Opera" song about an assignment 67
Role played by Drew Barrymore in a 1993 TV movie based on real life 67
Comedian who is a tenth cousin of both Stephen King and Dick Cheney 67
Singer mentioned in the lyrics to the song "Blame Canada" 67
She played the title role in the 1982 TV movie "Mae West" 67
"Hey, toss over that pamphlet on breaking up monopolies"? 67
Grateful Dead album whose title reads the same forward and backward 67
Answer to the riddle "Dressed in summer, naked in winter" 67
"Well, Adam gave up ___, so mine better be prime" (Kanye) 67
JFK speechwriter who won a Pulitzer for "A Thousand Days" 67
Legendary jazz pianist who worked with Tiny Grimes and Slam Stewart 67
"___ Blink 182: Pacific Ridge Records Heroes of Pop-Punk" 67
Action that makes bad situations worse, and this puzzle's theme 67
"Footloose" star goes out with "Catwoman" star? 67
Why it's up to you to pick paper or plastic at the supermarket? 67
Whence Gen. McAuliffe replied to the Germans with "NUTS!" 67
[*cross out* Pageant] Circumstances that render someone attractive? 67
"Could It ___ Falling in Love" (The Spinners hit of 1972) 67
One who knows all the words to "My World 2.0," presumably 67
"No hell ___ ..." (from Lennon's "Imagine") 67
Land of ___ (destination in "The Pilgrim's Progress") 67
Like someone butting in about unlikely but necessary hypotheticals? 67
Propaganda technique introduced by Hitler in "Mein Kampf" 67
The only player to hit a walk-off home run in a World Series Game 7 67
The Andrews Sisters' ''Bei Mir __ Du Schön'' 67
"Bring those tears you cry out for a second performance!" 67
Movie about after-dark activities of people who deal with gamblers? 67
SpongeBob SquarePants's pants, compared to Humpty Dumpty's? 67
Did or didn't surpass a D.J.'s mark for accident-free days? 67
Legendary avant-garde guitarist who wears a KFC container for a hat 67
Padres skipper who was the 2010 National League Manager of the Year 67
Raeburn van __, cartoonist who drew "Abbie an' Slats" 67
"Let's vary piracee with a little _____":W.S. Gilbert 67
Torte holder ... or a hint to completing ten answers in this puzzle 67
Pennsylvania city where Franklin signed a treaty with Indians, 1753 67
Game show where contestants can seek help by yelling out the window 67
Irish ensemble with five singers, a fiddler, and a few PBS specials 67
"Morning Mystery" and "Bouquet de Fleurs," e.g. 67
Do a dead-on impression of Keanu saying "I know kung fu"? 67
Duo behind "Is Dave there?" "[spin spin spin]"? 67
"___ Debuts New Homophobic Sandwich" (The Onion headline) 67
He played Will Scarlet in "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" 67
"If you don't go to bed, Santa won't come," e.g.? 67
Tool in forestry to measure slope, vertical angles and tree heights 67
Leachman of "Young Frankenstein" and "Beerfest" 67
"Ty Murray's Celebrity Bull Riding Challenge" network 67
Region with the highest concentration of national parks in the U.S. 67
Local convenience ... or a hint to the words in the circled squares 67
... ___ (step to the sounds of "Hernando's Hideaway") 67
"Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things" speaker 67
1867 book subtitled "Kritik der politischen Ökonomie" 67
Team tennis competition whose current champs are the Czech Republic 67
Kansas State's all-time winningest women's basketball coach 67
Leaving a room just before people realize you've made it stink? 67
Comic Marty Allen's signature greeting, "Hello, ___!" 67
"___ ever notice ..." (observational comic's lead-in) 67
It can't be taken away, in "The Greatest Love of All" 67
Today's theme, which will help answer the six capitalized clues 67
What the First Lady's critics did over a bottle of bathtub gin? 67
Uncle's father's cousin's sister-in-law's son, e.g. 67
"A merry heart ___ good like a medicine" (Proverbs 17:22) 67
Forsyth title, with "The," from "Julius Caesar" 67
Count in "Attack of the Clones" played by Christopher Lee 67
"Why ___ thou use me thus?" ("King Lear" quote) 67
Jump that Dick Button is credited with first landing in competition 67
Some bedcovers ... or, literally, what the four unclued answers are 67
He's "a part of the band" in "Monster Mash" 67