
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

"I thought ___!" ("My feeling exactly!") 60
Simon & Garfunkel's first hit (with "The") 60
James of "Boston Legal" and "The Office" 60
Musical based on "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" 60
"You don't ___ into the wind" (Jim Croce line) 60
Realizations that changes are needed, in modern-day parlance 60
Suffix meaning "city" in some European place names 60
What this puzzle's central phenomenon may have once been 60
Patrick's last name on "SpongeBob SquarePants" 60
Not jump in too eagerly/Where the best sales promoter shops? 60
Premium movie channel that dropped its "!" in 2005 60
"Woke up this morning, had them ___ blues" Allmans 60
"___ Heat" (song from "The Pajama Game") 60
Wallace ___, Pulitzer winner for "Angle of Repose" 60
Oakland-raised writer of "there is no there there" 60
"O Rare Ben Johnson" is engraved (in error) on one 60
Fifth-century pope who convinced Attila not to march on Rome 60
Unexpected affection, and an alternate title for this puzzle 60
Film technique used in the first "King Kong" movie 60
Noted German sculptor–wood carver: c.1440–1533 60
Apostle believed by Catholics to be the first Bishop of Rome 60
Yellowish Italian liqueur whose name means "witch" 60
Canada's greatest amateur golfer, Marlene Stewart- _____ 60
Brew whose name is an article of clothing when read backward 60
Sportscaster Nahan with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame 60
Name spelled out while singing "The Alphabet Song" 60
___ Redman, hero of Stephen King's "The Stand" 60
Wilbur's whereabouts, in "Charlotte's Web" 60
Transport systems that begin each of the three theme answers 60
World capital, founded in 1538, formerly known as Chuquisaca 60
"Marsupial ___" (John Lithgow children's book) 60
No. 1 hit from the album "Everything's Archie" 60
Landlocked federal republic in central Europe, to the French 60
Phillipines body of water not named for the guy on Star Trek 60
Central heating unit (it's found in four themed answers) 60
Author referenced by Gordon Gekko in "Wall Street" 60
Event in which Picabo Street won her only Olympic gold medal 60
"Praise Citizens United! Praise Citizens United!"? 60
Barry's "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" costar 60
"The World of ___ Wong" (1957 Richard Mason novel) 60
Snack that comes in banana and devil's food cake flavors 60
Muppet whose short-lived cereal was called Cröonchy Stars 60
Jonathan and Alice's account of a pedestrian in a hurry? 60
Police operation seizing former loverÂ’s lurid photos (7) 60
What's being discussed in the National Enquirer or Globe 60
Fast food restaurant with the slogan "Live Más" 60
Suitor in Rossini's "L'Italiana in Algeri" 60
President whose father co-founded Yale's Skull and Bones 60
Third base coach's sign when the count is 3-0, typically 60
Top for one who says "Top o' the mornin'"? 60
It connects New York's Rockland and Westchester Counties 60
Second half of many annoyingly overenthusiastic portmanteaus 60
London home of Constables and Sargents, with "the" 60
Home of Dalí's "Metamorphosis of Narcissus" 60
Locale of Picasso's "Nude Woman With Necklace" 60
''We'll let you know,'' on a TV schedule 60
Classic car in the Beach Boys' "Fun, Fun, Fun" 60
"Father ___" (Irish sitcom starring Dermot Morgan) 60
Texas senator behind an "Abolish the IRS" movement 60
"The Anti-American Manifesto" political cartoonist 60
"Bill & ___ Excellent Adventure" (1989 comedy) 60
Huge fan of One Direction, e.g. (um, obvs, they r 60
"Smells Like ___ Spirit" (Nirvana's first hit) 60
Seven-year period in which some get lucky for the first time 60
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah has "Yellow Country" ones 60
Laurelin's partner in Tolkien's Two Trees of Valinor 60
What actually gets tapped with a hammer during a reflex test 60
"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" illustrator 60
Cream "Anyone for ___, wouldn't that be nice?" 60
Im-ho-___, Boris Karloff's role in "The Mummy" 60
Ben's girlfriend in ''Meet the Parents'' 60
"Young Frankenstein" costar of Cloris and Madeline 60
"Desperate Housewives" co-star of Eva and Felicity 60
Hart's longtime "Entertainment Tonight" cohost 60
"A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" screenwriter Slessinger 60
Events during which it is inauspicious to eat duck or shrimp 60
Lun ___ (Tuptim's beloved in "The King and I") 60
Word with "imagine" or "don't touch" 60
Answer to "When do we start attacking the Nazis?"? 60
Proud parent's comment when Junior calculates 2 x 2 x 2? 60
Word with ''end'' or ''Who'' 60
Birthday that usually prompts "Over the Hill" gags 60
Appropriately named band with the 1984 hit "Drive" 60
Find contest's meta-answer by reading ___ of these clues 60
"Louie Louie" singers, and this puzzle's theme 60
2006 romantic drama starring Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock 60
Carol sung by Arnold from "Diff'rent Strokes"? 60
Book featuring Humming-Fish in a pond full of Gluppity-Glupp 60
___ Epstein, baseball V.I.P. known as "Boy Wonder" 60
1970s film featuring Gregory Peck as an imperiled ambassador 60
Second of two groups that may come in handy for this puzzle? 60
Documentary about an online connection to a dieting website? 60
Early vehicle for Marisa Tomei, as an extra in a health club 60
1977 Herbert Ross film with 11 Oscar nominations and no wins 60
Stephen King book about a guy who does nothing but complain? 60
First rock band whose members received Kennedy Center Honors 60
1978 #1 hit for the Commodores (and this puzzle's title) 60
Criminal organization in "The Man From U.N.C.L.E." 60
"Frailty, --- name is woman!" ("Hamlet") 60
Generally good advice, and a hint to this puzzle's theme 60