
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Lauren punched out in an episode of "The Sopranos" 60
Extricate from a financial predicament, with "out" 60
Setting of Steinbeck's "The Pearl," familiarly 60
"Seat," "oil" or "split" start 60
"Walk Like an Egyptian" band, with "the" 60
TV character who says "Don't have a cow, man!" 60
It starts at a plate (and a hint to this puzzle's theme) 60
Actress Benaderet who first voiced Granny in Tweety cartoons 60
Nuno Bettencourt "Flight of the Wounded Bumble___" 60
"Saturday Night Fever" group, with "the" 60
Lon's "Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man" costar 60
Attorney with the autobiography "My Life on Trial" 60
___ Savage, player of the boy on "Boy Meets World" 60
"It ain't over 'til it's over" speaker 60
Longtime Greenwich Village music venue, with "the" 60
"___ the Beasts and Children," Kramer film of 1972 60
Drippings appropriately positioned under the circled letters 60
Tony-winning star of "Where's Charley?" (1948) 60
___ acid (substance that turns turmeric paper reddish-brown) 60
"I Am ___" ("David Copperfield" chapter) 60
"__ yourself!": "Get ready for a shock!" 60
''The Outcasts of Poker Flat'' creator Harte 60
Former dominion that included India, Pakistan and Bangladesh 60
Singer who kissed Madonna at the 2003 MTV Video Music Awards 60
Good news for an Olympic athlete, bad news for a disc jockey 60
Real estate units involved in this puzzle's theme: Abbr. 60
"P.S. I Love You" and "Revolution," e.g. 60
Toon hurler with a "pachydermous percussion pitch" 60
Baby ___ (tabloid term for a celeb's pregnancy sighting) 60
Word that had "omni" at its start before apheresis 60
''Rib'' or ''bird'' follower 60
Erstwhile candidate Herman with the mantra "9-9-9" 60
Best Supporting Actor for "Hannah and Her Sisters" 60
Capital known as the "City of a Thousand Minarets" 60
Dish whose name comes from the Latin for "ink pot" 60
''Heads'' or ''tails,'' e.g. 60
Craft for ''paddlin' Madelin' home'' 60
"Farewell: thou ___ not teach me to forget": Romeo 60
Where to watch whales in Massachusetts, with "the" 60
''It's a Wonderful Life'' director Frank 60
Children's character whose hand was bitten off by a croc 60
Historian Thomas who wrote "The French Revolution" 60
"___ mañana" (procrastinator's jokey motto) 60
Blanchett of "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" 60
Broadway smash whose poster image consisted of just two eyes 60
Harry ___, Gene Hackman role in "The Conversation" 60
Actress Pounder of "ER" and "The Shield" 60
''Jay'' or ''em'' attachment 60
Jackie who voiced Master Monkey in "Kung Fu Panda" 60
"Going to the ___ and we're gonna get married" 60
(Al)ev(e m)i(gh)t (tre)a(t one, or Ibup)ro(fen or Ty)le(nol) 60
"___ for Cookie, that's good enough for me..." 60
"And now for something completely different" comic 60
3 Inches of Blood "The Phantom of the Crimson ___" 60
"Ice cream castles in the air," in a Mitchell song 60
Like five answers in this puzzle, literally and figuratively 60
Singer Marc with the 1991 hit "Walking in Memphis" 60
Pitcher who was a 2008 post-season standout for the Phillies 60
Setting of Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness" 60
Steve McQueen's nickname in "The Great Escape" 60
First person outside NASA to receive a moon-rock award, 2006 60
Anchorman dubbed "the most trusted man in America" 60
Jon who starred in the sitcom "The Famous Teddy Z" 60
NSA counterpart north of the border, or several CBS spinoffs 60
What some comments are off of (with ''the'') 60
''Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'' author 60
Painter of "Soft Self-Portrait with Grilled Bacon" 60
He called his art "hand-painted dream photographs" 60
''Le surréalisme, c'est moi'' speaker 60
Destination of Saul when he had his conversion, in the Bible 60
Castellaneta, the voice of Homer on "The Simpsons" 60
First name among former ''SNL'' cast members 60
Actress Wynter of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" 60
___ Webster, Twain's "celebrated jumping frog" 60
Tony of "Taxi" and "Who's the Boss?" 60
"Danger-prone ___" ("Scooby-Doo" sleuth) 60
Carton's counterpart in "A Tale of Two Cities" 60
Grateful Dead "Don't you let that ___ go down" 60
Word with ''me'' or ''John'' 60
Word with ''Rio'' or ''Mar'' 60
First Indian tribe to sign a treaty with the U.S. government 60
Place often filled with stoned and/or drunk people at 4 a.m. 60
"Confiteor ___ omnipotenti" (Latin prayer starter) 60
TV production company behind "Mission: Impossible" 60
"Say that thou ___ forsake me . . ." (Shakespeare) 60
"A Good Day to ___ Hard" (2013 Bruce Willis movie) 60
''They ___ With Their Boots On'' (1941 film) 60
British P.M. who said "justice is truth in action" 60
1950 film in which Frank Bigelow investigates his own murder 60
An "animal control warden" used to be called a ___ 60
Spoken word that's a sound trademark of 20th Century Fox 60
He's usually seen in a sailor suit and cap--but no pants 60
"The lady __ protest too much": "Hamlet" 60
Structure of this puzzle's theme, hidden in five answers 60
Cop show with the line "Just the facts, ma'am" 60
The part of "The Wizard of Oz" that's in color 60
He began his pro career with the Virginia Squires of the ABA 60
___ Hill (Baltimore band with the hit "In My Bed") 60
Crime of one who's had one for the road, perhaps (abbr.) 60
"Doonesbury" character based on Hunter S. Thompson 60