
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Zzzzzzz 7
[ ] bar 11
[ ] saver 13
[ ] shuttle 15
[ ] 3
[ ] that was the creation of an architect born 4/26/1917 56
[ ___ ] 7
['Tis a pity!] 18
["Boohoo"] 20
["Die Wurst ist ruiniert!"] 37
["Go ahead and take the picture now"] 47
["Good heavens!"] 27
["Hell if I know"] 28
["I can't remember the words..."] 47
["I'm bored!"] 28
["I'm standing right here"] 41
["Not my mistake!"] 29
["Oh my!"] 20
["Oh no!"] 20
["Oh, no!"] 21
["Search me"] 23
["Sigh"] 18
["That's really what was said"] 45
["This isn't my mistake"] 39
["Throw the tennis ball!"] 36
["We approve!"] 25
["You chauvinist pig!"] 33
["You don't mean...!"] 36
[*cross out* "Star Wars" character] Where droids go to dry out? 73
[*cross out* After-dinner display] One way to see a pie's filling? 70
[*cross out* Children's song] Ignore the rest of the lunch I brought and just eat the fish? 95
[*cross out* Gibbons and siamangs] Mountaintop that's not the very top? 75
[*cross out* Member of a certain 1990s-2000s rock band] Censor unhappy with "Family Guy" and "Glee," maybe? 127
[*cross out* Pageant] Circumstances that render someone attractive? 67
[*cross out* Pine, e.g.] Dinosaur that never goes out of style? 63
[*cross out* Studio substitute] Squarish bed? 45
[*cross out* Sun Tzu tome] Madame Tussaud's specialty? 58
[*cross out* Symbols of happiness] Transmissions with colons, dashes and parentheses? 85
[.] [.:] 8
[.] [.] 7
[0 0], for one 14
[10] 4
[15] 4
[1930] 6
[1938] 6
[1940] 6
[1958] 6
[1960] 6
[1] 3
[20] 4
[25] 4
[30] 4
[40] 4
[50] 4
[5] 3
[60] 4
[::] [::] 9
[Acolyte, tennis player, waiter] 32
[Ah, me] 8
[Ah, well] 10
[Air kiss] 10
[all of a sudden!] 18
[And that's the end of my artsy movie] 42
[Answered the alarm, now] 25
[Arrest, Omit, Bun] 19
[as is] 7
[as per the original] 21
[as printed] 12
[as submitted] 14
[as written] 12
[Attention, please ...] 23
[Attention, please] 19
[Awful!] 8
[Back off!] 11
[Bad call!] 11
[Bam!] 6
[Been there, done that] 23
[Bing, Quiets, Ogden] 21
[Bleargh!] 10
[blech!] 8
[Bloods, Hells Angels, Crips] 29
[Blue] 6
[Bo-o-o-oring!] 15
[bo-o-o-ring!] 14
[Bo-o-oring!] 13
[Boo-hoo!] 10
[Booooring...] 14
[bor-r-ring!] 13
[Boy, am I in trouble now!] 27
[Brown, Crabbe, Keaton] 23
[Brrr!] 7
[Buyer beware] 14
[Canada] 8
[Check back later] 18
[Check back later]: Abbr. 25
[Check later] 13
[Chocula, Basie, Dooku] 23
[Chuckle] 9
[Continued on next page] 24
[continued on the other side] 29