
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

100th anniversary of Disney's "Fantasia" 54
#1 album for 13 weeks in 1966-67, with "The" 54
Scary creatures that can't be bought with plastic? 54
Remark from someone who's always sponging off you? 54
Composer of the score for "The Untouchables" 54
Its coat of arms features a horseman spearing a dragon 54
French-German-Luxembourgian river with a namesake wine 54
"200 ___" (1971 Frank Zappa movie and album) 54
Creature reportedly seen in West Virginia in the 1960s 54
What bored people may go through, with "the" 54
"The Jeffersons" theme "___ On Up" 54
Person with a poignant story about his dietary choice? 54
Journalist Bill with a Lifetime Achievement Emmy Award 54
Steve Buscemi's role in "Reservoir Dogs" 54
1983 song where the title character gets thanked a lot 54
Cohost of the first X Games (1995's Extreme Games) 54
Sports Illustrated's Sportsman of the 20th Century 54
Attendees of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters 54
Woman of song "with a heart that was mellow" 54
"___ of the North" (1922 silent documentary) 54
Tendency to overcompensate for a perceived shortcoming 54
"Star Wars" actress who's a Harvard grad 54
The Mavs' Mark Cuban and the Nets' Jay-Z, e.g. 54
Ronald who directed "The Poseidon Adventure" 54
Facial hair that starts at the chin line and goes down 54
"He shall not ___ if he have his own": Shak. 54
Singer with the hit album "The Hungry Years" 54
They're produced in great quantities by supernovas 54
Skiers seem to love it, especially early in the season 54
Holder of the first-in-the-nation presidential primary 54
Singer with the platinum album "Pink Friday" 54
Honor shared by the four women featured in this puzzle 54
''Have ___!'' (hero's reassurance) 54
Urban ordinance that might apply to a late-night party 54
Shortstop teammate of Derek on the 1999 A.L. All-Stars 54
Largish musical combo playing in its own concert hall? 54
"Ain't happening, and that's final!" 54
"Are you nervous?" response, a la Don Knotts 54
Best Picture also-ran to "Kramer vs. Kramer" 54
" . . . had ___ to shroud his head": Heywood 54
What Lysistrata promised, as long as the war continued 54
Favorable response to ''Do you mind?'' 54
Tell-all that doesn't actually tell all that much? 54
Good for a returning traveler, bad for a bridge player 54
"What can you say about the current period?" 54
"Billy Budd" and "Of Mice and Men" 54
A letter + smell + a letter + unbiased + a pronoun = ? 54
Inappropriate for on-the-job viewing, in Web shorthand 54
Somewhere between abysmal and fair, for a bad juggler? 54
"___ said!" ("End of discussion!") 54
"Green Eyes" singer Helen, in 40's music 54
City where "Friday Night Lights" takes place 54
"___ the ills o' life victorious": Burns 54
"Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?" band 54
"Queen ___" (Ella Fitzgerald's nickname) 54
Carol with the words "hear the angel voices" 54
Average place to buy a laptop? (Radiohead / Kraftwerk) 54
"That" something in an Arlen/Mercer standard 54
"Yesterday" and "Tomorrow" for two 54
Budding classicist's statement about future plans? 54
"__: The Final Conflict": 1981 horror sequel 54
Lunts' comedy title from "Twelfth Night" 54
. . . "O'ER THE LENT HERB" by P. Osborn? 54
Like the drummer for rock's Def Leppard, amazingly 54
Blood type historically considered the universal donor 54
How much of genius is inspiration, according to Edison 54
Step before "dead to me," to Stephen Colbert 54
In the area where "The Fantasticks" is a hit 54
Dorothy Lamour film, ''___ Merry Way'' 54
Two things heard at a well-received session by Mehmet? 54
Florida city developed by aviation's Glenn Curtiss 54
Word with ''business'' on a store sign 54
Like live events at which audience members may perform 54
Game in which the puzzle's long answers are pieces 54
What some of the letters in this puzzle seemingly have 54
" . . . that charms ___ or sight": Coleridge 54
In music, a full interval higher or lower than written 54
Movie about a female gunslinger (with "The") 54
He's second to Rabbit Maranville in career assists 54
Their names are hidden in eight answers in this puzzle 54
Two cats owned by soldiers behind small earthen walls? 54
Nighttime movie with Doris Day? (with "The") 54
Country where "The Hunger Games" takes place 54
Italian artist with the largest painting in the Louvre 54
Leader who claimed to have put a fatal curse on J.F.K. 54
English physician James who gave his name to a disease 54
One who uses Italian cheese as a race course obstacle? 54
Singer with the #1 hit "Don't Forbid Me" 54
"Watch on the Rhine" Best Actor Oscar winner 54
What you may have to do for goods bought by mail order 54
Evening after work set aside for a urinary tract exam? 54
Co-author of "Cruel Tricks for Dear Friends" 54
It has "amble" and "ramble" inside 54
Gym class locale known for its dancing almost failing? 54
“Actor Graves is head of household,” in Latin? 54
Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award recipient of '93 54
Marius ___, "the father of classical ballet" 54
Faddish '70s toy that came in a box with air holes 54
Alexander ___, Russian who popularized a chess opening 54
Carping? Nitpicking of Richard? Whatever! I'm a PC 54