
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Julie Andrews role in "The Sound of Music" 52
Ray's mom on "Everybody Loves Raymond" 52
Noted artist from Rutherford, N.J.: 1872–1953 52
California county with Point Reyes National Seashore 52
Literally, ''in sailor's style'' 52
Co-star of Matthew in "The Lincoln Lawyer" 52
Put an "X" where you want to cut the cord? 52
"A League of Their Own" infielder __ Hooch 52
Show about the damage kids inflict on their parents? 52
"Just the Way You Are" Grammy winner Bruno 52
Candy "whose success is out of this world" 52
Activity in which you might bust someone's chops 52
British novelist who wrote "London Fields" 52
2011 Ricky Martin single that means "more" 52
"No ___!" ("Uncle!," in Spanish) 52
"Mississippi ___" (Denzel Washington film) 52
"Do the ___!" ("Figure it out!") 52
''The Simpsons'' cartoonist Groening 52
"On your 'Welcome' ___ is missing" 52
Shock-rockers take it to this (with "the") 52
Lenny portrayer on "Laverne & Shirley" 52
Year "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" came out 52
"... and had to ___ before the throne ..." 52
"Three ___ and One DJ" (Beastie Boys song) 52
Year in which Martin Luther first entered university 52
1953 musical with the song "No Other Love" 52
Dutch artist Jan van der ___, who painted landscapeS 52
Rob's boss on "The Dick Van Dyke Show" 52
Dom and Marty's "Silent Movie" co-star 52
Infamous 1999 computer virus with a woman's name 52
"I'll stop the world and ___ with you" 52
Bee Gees: "How Can You ___ a Broken Heart" 52
Laurence's "Wuthering Heights" co-star 52
''Wheel of Fortune'' creator Griffin 52
She played Sophie in "Sophie's Choice" 52
"___ amis ..." (start of a French oration) 52
Prefix with "carpal" or "tarsal" 52
Word with "postage" or "parking" 52
"California, Here I Come" co-writer Joseph 52
Band with the 2010 album "Congratulations" 52
Hannah of ''Hannah and Her Sisters'' 52
He prophesied the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem 52
Gilbert and Sullivan operetta (with "The") 52
Channing's "Jupiter Ascending" co-star 52
Where ''Falstaff'' premiered in 1893 52
Home to da Vinci's "L'Ultima Cena" 52
Pace choice [get great indie xwords at] 52
G. Love & Special Sauce "Electric ___" 52
"Moonlight ___" (2002 Dustin Hoffman film) 52
Reporter in the comic strip "Bloom County" 52
Weird Al "She Never Told Me She Was a ___" 52
Role in "Rent" or "La Bohème" 52
Dean's "Rebel Without a Cause" co-star 52
Craft that held the longest single-human spaceflight 52
"You have the right to remain silent" name 52
Joan who painted "Dog Barking at the Moon" 52
"Still Life with Coffee Mill" painter Joan 52
"Never eat more than you can lift" speaker 52
Alma mater of NPR's Tom and Ray Magliozzi: Abbr. 52
Honoree of a D.C. monument at 1964 Independence Ave. 52
Year the Department of Homeland Security was created 52
"Black Snake ___" (Samuel L. Jackson film) 52
Techno artist behind "Everything Is Wrong" 52
Jay of "Jerry Maguire" and "SNL" 52
"C'est ___" ("Camelot" song) 52
"L'état c'est _____": Louis XIV 52
"Dites-__": "South Pacific" song 52
"Mr. ___ risin'" (classic Doors lyric) 52
"The Doctor in Spite of Himself" dramatist 52
One of two partners teamed up throughout this puzzle 52
N.Y.C. home of "The Persistence of Memory" 52
Home of "Christina's World," for short 52
Katherine's "Who's the Boss?" role 52
"The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas" lady 52
"Drowning ___" (2000 DeVito/Midler comedy) 52
Word before the last word of 17, 66-A & 11, 40-D 52
Attachment for "rail" or "plane" 52
Something some 1970s fad rings purported to indicate 52
1988 comedy starring Richard Dreyfuss and Raul Julia 52
Ludovico Sforza's nickname, with "the" 52
Best Actress nominee for "Ordinary People" 52
Implements for Carroll's "seven maids" 52
Mitch Albom bestseller "Tuesdays With ___" 52
"Can Do" and "Be Prepared," e.g. 52
''10'' and ''Seven'' 52
Band with the 1992 #1 hit "To Be With You" 52
One-time bodyguard of Michael Jackson and Diana Ross 52
TV actor who says "Quit your jibba jabba!" 52
''No ___'' (Chinese-restaurant sign) 52
___3K (familiar shortening of an old cult TV series) 52
''Hill Street Blues'' production co. 52
Figure on the back of California's State Quarter 52
"___ most foul . . . ": "Hamlet" 52
Org. that gives out Image Awards and Spingarn Medals 52
"Nattering ___ of negativism": Spiro Agnew 52
Possible response to "D'ye ken Scots?" 52
"If It's ___ Scottish, It's Crap!" 52
Simba's best friend in "The Lion King" 52
Sarafina's daughter in "The Lion King" 52
"No ___ in the Street," 1972 Baldwin novel 52