
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Lifeless-sounding band with lifeless-sounding fans 50
She wrote "The House on Coliseum Street" 50
Wrestling style that forbids holds below the waist 50
Superhero who had an arch foe named Bull's-Eye 50
Fictional creature born of a post-midnight feeding 50
"Go Tell It on the Mountain" family name 50
Channel that revived "The Newlywed Game" 50
Italian Baroque painter known for ceiling frescoes 50
Bay bordering El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua 50
Second U.S. astronaut in space, after Alan Shepard 50
Author of "Watch on the Rhine," politely 50
"Yeah? Let's see ya do it, you ___!" 50
"Trivial Pursuit" co-creator Chris ____ 50
Nickname for Hubert Humphrey, with "the" 50
New York singing group that last performed in 2007 50
___ Chicken Shack (Chicago-based restaurant chain) 50
Business that sells plugged-in string instruments? 50
U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union during W.W. II 50
"The Silence of the Lambs" author Thomas 50
World War I veteran who served as a U.S. president 50
Goalie Dominik who won the Vezina Trophy six times 50
Dipping into loathsome content for snarky purposes 50
"The Spirit of the Age" essayist William 50
"___ Soul," 1938 Carmichael-Loesser song 50
Self-nicknamed "Overweight Lover" of rap 50
" . . . people don't do such things" 50
Why the bridge player was obliged to stop golfing? 50
Actress whose great-grandfather was a British P.M. 50
Her postcard says "Looking for bargains" 50
Opening line from a TV show that debuted on 1/5/61 50
The pop-up blocker leaves ...a toast for referees? 50
"The Algiers Motel Incident" author John 50
Florida city home to the headquarters of Telemundo 50
Theme of this puzzle, seen seven times in the grid 50
"Get your butt over (to)," in olden days 50
(n.) the study of temper tantrums through the ages 50
Paper items that show off more than you'd like 50
''This may come as a shock . . .'' 50
What the first squirt from an extinguisher causes? 50
Comp claim from a none-too-swift Fearless Fosdick? 50
She played the Bond girl in "Goldfinger" 50
I __ him about never playing Ping-Pong with me ... 50
Author Barbara of "Laughing All the Way" 50
Czech leader ousted in the Velvet Revolution, 1989 50
High-mounted window you can't stop looking at? 50
Device that takes pictures of poetic metric units? 50
"It's almost impossible to know ..." 50
Frozen structure that facilitates animal migration 50
Strategy employed by a Siberian Hansel and Gretel? 50
They form when melted snow refreezes at roof edges 50
Olympic gold medalists Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir 50
Biography subtitled, "A Dog's Life"? 50
" . . . ___ in the daytime": Psalms 22:2 50
Exposer of Standard Oil during the Progressive era 50
" . . . god of my ___" (Juliet re Romeo) 50
"___ little bit of butter . . . ": Milne 50
Indignant reply to a request for free sock repair? 50
Self-conscious remark when putting on a new outfit 50
Gwen who moderated a 2008 vice-presidential debate 50
Updated words of advice from Ben Franklin (Part 1) 50
"___ with a little help from my friends" 50
" . . . on thy shoulder will ___": Shak. 50
"___ him to a lady" (nursery-rhyme line) 50
Alternative to "The dog ate my homework" 50
Self-conscious remark when packing too many pounds 50
"Say I'm weary, say ___": Leigh Hunt 50
Where fans of spicy cuisine may sink their spoons? 50
How athletes tend to speak in post-game interviews 50
The corner squares, clockwise from the lower right 50
It helps determine how much tax you owe the I.R.S. 50
Creator of the back pages of some nonfiction books 50
California city that hosts an annual Date Festival 50
Bergman who directed "Wild Strawberries" 50
"He's Got the Whole World --- Hands" 50
"He's Got the Whole World ___ Hands" 50
They're not outside a statistical distribution 50
Beatles song that ends "I love you more" 50
"Am I right?" at the end of UK sentences 50
" . . . provide ___ what we need in war" 50
Making Taiwan's capital livable in the winter? 50
Manager hopefully has band's best ___ at heart 50
Globetrotting criminals' run-ins with the law? 50
Like a spy car that's cloaked when not moving? 50
Drinking vessel in which pension funds are stored? 50
Drinkware that might be filled with Arabic coffee? 50
"___ my garment and my mantle": Ezra 9:3 50
"So vast ___, so narrow human wit": Pope 50
"When all at once ___ crowd": Wordsworth 50
"This ___ Youth" (Kenneth Lonergan play) 50
Ending for the phrase "right back where" 50
"Can ___ a Little Love?": 1957 recording 50
"I used to do drugs. ___": Mitch Hedberg 50
''This ___!'' (fightin' words) 50
" . . . ___ rain in Indianapolis . . . " 50
"I had no time to lick ___ form": Burton 50
Child's cry on an amusement park ride, perhaps 50
Soccer player's explanation for his wild ways? 50
Odd-sounding reply to "Who's there?" 50
The Weather Girls: "___, hallelujah ..." 50
"You can't procrastinate any longer" 50