
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Plant family that includes Jacob's-ladder 45
Plant family that includes Jacob's ladder 45
"Graph" or "gram" starter 45
___ Lindstrom (Ingrid Bergman's daughter) 45
Edith, the ''Little Sparrow'' 45
Singer nicknamed the "waif sparrow" 45
"Desmoiselles d'Avignon" artist 45
Dessert that ties into the puzzle's theme 45
"Take a long walk off a short ___!" 45
Michelangelo work in St. Peter's Basilica 45
Word with "ten" or "hair" 45
Word with "ten" or "duck" 45
Home of Galileo Galilei International Airport 45
Poe's "The __ and the Pendulum" 45
Absolute worst (with ''the'') 45
School where Salk developed the polio vaccine 45
"The scavenger of misery," per Shaw 45
"And never a saint took ___ . . . " 45
Subject of a call made during the Super Bowl? 45
Yell on the set before "curtain up" 45
"The Colossus and Other Poems" poet 45
Pfizer product used before brushing the teeth 45
Defendant's declaration at an arraignment 45
"Remember the less fortunate," e.g. 45
"Guilty" and "not guilty" 45
Gp. granted observer status at the UN in 1974 45
When repeated, start of an old antacid jingle 45
What you might do after you get all farklempt 45
Condition evoked in many a misogynist comment 45
Patient's attachment on the Oregon Trail? 45
Part of a commercial name after "i" 45
"The Mystery of Marie Roget" writer 45
His name is a letter short of his description 45
Emerson called him "the jingle man" 45
Author of "The Cask of Amontillado" 45
Frost's "Fire and Ice," for one 45
''Little Jack Horner'' is one 45
One published in a literary magazine, perhaps 45
"Uncle Miltie/is not guilty," e.g.? 45
"The Writer's Almanac" subject 45
"Be careful what you wish for" gift 45
Pastime for Captain Picard's senior staff 45
From the extreme north and south of the earth 45
Type of shirt that might have a popped collar 45
Sport cut from the Summer Olympics after 1936 45
Famed explorer's inVestment of the 1920s? 45
Title location of an 1834 Bulwer-Lytton novel 45
Stevie Ray Vaughan plays it "Dirty" 45
''___ Richard's Almanac'' 45
Olivia's last name on "Scandal" 45
They often have Roman numerals in their names 45
Carl Reiner film "Where's ___?" 45
___ favor (Spaniard's "please") 45
'-- favor' (Spanish 'please') 45
Read intently (with ''over'') 45
Film about an interspecies fish relationship? 45
'Th-th-that's all, folks' speaker 45
Giacomo della ___ (St. Peter's architect) 45
Heiress in "The Merchant of Venice" 45
Balthasar's true identity, in Shakespeare 45
Photographers catch some people striking them 45
Residue left after alcohol has been distilled 45
Crisp? Tuber splinter? Whatever! I'm a PC 45
"My Name Is Asher Lev" author Chaim 45
''A ___ on you!'' (old curse) 45
How most goods must be ordered by mail: Abbr. 45
"Eat ___ Love" (Julia Roberts film) 45
Start for "fix" or "face" 45
Canada's Grand ___ National Historic Park 45
Grand ___, setting for "Evangeline" 45
Like a concrete slab that's made off-site 45
''Sergeant ___ of the Yukon'' 45
Cobras and mongooses, vis-à-vis each other 45
"Je vous en __": "Please" 45
" . . . the forest ___": Longfellow 45
2001 Julie Andrews film, with "The" 45
"___ Archia Poeta" (Cicero oration) 45
"No ___!" ("You got it!") 45
Delivery person a defendant might try to duck 45
Member of the lower class in "1984" 45
Giant flying hot dog at a Miley Cyrus concert 45
Cauldron or sword in "Macbeth," say 45
"Remembrance of Things Past" author 45
Wilder's "Silver Streak" costar 45
"... Is It Something I Said?" comic 45
"This Is Your Brain on Drugs," e.g. 45
"The More You Know" spot, for short 45
"Don't do drugs!" ad, for short 45
"The Lord is my shepherd ...," e.g. 45
"Don't give me that!" old-style 45
''I don't believe that!'' 45
Three letters that start a Beatles song title 45
Greek letter that begins with a silent letter 45
"I've got a secret to tell you" 45
"Had you fooled for a second there" 45
Org. that usually has a fall start-up meeting 45
Groundwood ___ (main ingredient of newsprint) 45
One of about 3,000 in Shakespeare's plays 45
''Pick a cod, any cod,'' e.g. 45
In ___, you might see some ___ hanging around 45