
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Subject of "The Miracle Has Landed" 45
Mgr. Hodges's "Cinderella team" 45
"Miracle" 1969 World Series winners 45
Studio whose films get off to a roaring start 45
Film company whose mascot is a lion named Leo 45
'Singin' in the Rain' film studio 45's #1 pick for Best Artist of 2008 45
Booker T.'s bandmates in '60s R&B 45
Wasikowska of "Alice in Wonderland" 45
'Alice in Wonderland' star Wasikowska 45
"___ Vice" (Michael Mann TV series) 45
''An American Tail'' critters 45
Start for "day" or "term" 45
Start for "day" or "wife" 45
"Way" or "wife" beginning 45
"L'Après-___ d'un faune" 45
Yum-Yum's operetta (with "The") 45
Alyssa of "Romantically Challenged" 45
"The Phantom Tollbooth" protagonist 45
Lieutenant Minderbender of “Catch-22” 45
Championship team for Oscar Robertson in 1971 45
"The world's ___ oyster": Shak. 45
"Rebel Without a Cause" co-star Sal 45
State where Garrison Keillor was born (abbr.) 45
Driver often seen in limos at movie premieres 45
"O ___ babbino caro" (Puccini aria) 45
It fell shortly after the 2001 vernal equinox 45
It broke apart over the South Pacific in 2001 45
"Bei ___ Bist Du Schoen," 1937 song 45
"Head of a Catalan Peasant" painter 45
"Harlequin's Carnival," for one 45
"The Divine ___" (1972 debut album) 45
Where Kofi Annan earned his master's deg. 45
Cambridge sch. from which I. M. Pei graduated 45
"Tuesdays With Morrie" author Albom 45
Aaron Spelling show "The ___ Squad" 45
Swift's "A ___ Proposal . . . " 45
Bartender Szyslak on "The Simpsons" 45
Jam band inspired by Simpson's bartender? 45
Place to which Bart Simpson makes prank calls 45
She was Victoria in "The Red Shoes" 45
"The Wind in the Willows" character 45
Measure associated with Avogadro's number 45
It's across the Pailolo Channel from Maui 45
Home to "The Persistence of Memory" 45
Marisa's "My Cousin Vinny" role 45
Katherine, on "Who's the Boss?" 45
Place in Alberta or Mercury's counterpart 45
"Water Lilies" impressionist Claude 45
"Le Bassin aux Nymphéas" painter 45
Neurotic TV detective played by Tony Shalhoub 45
The Bitterroot Range is on its western border 45
"April is the cruellest ___ . . . " 45
Comment made after having some grass, perhaps 45
Stones "___ is up, the sun is down" 45
Henry Hudson's ship, "Half ___" 45
"Destination" in a 1950 sci-fi film 45
"Night before Christmas . . ." poet 45
"Eat __ chikin": Chick-fil-A slogan 45
"Oliver Twist has asked for _____!" 45
"West Side Story" Oscar winner Rita 45
"On a St. Patrick's ___ . . . " 45
'60s-'70s Italian prime minister Aldo 45
Voltaire's "La ___ de César" 45
"When it rains, it pours" sloganeer 45
"___ supposes his toeses are roses" 45
John P. Marquand's fictional secret agent 45
Massachusetts college named for a nearby peak 45
Board game where players win pieces of cheese 45
His music inspired "Song Sung Blue" 45
Classification and Rating Administration org. 45
Victimized clay guy on "SNL" reruns 45
''Happy Days'' dad, to Fonzie 45
Film character whose first name is Longfellow 45
Maniac in "The Strange Case . . . " 45
Procedure that can detect brain tumors: Abbr. 45
One's wife (with ''the'') 45
Virginia Woolf's "___ Dalloway" 45
"A Fuller Spectrum of News" network 45
Eur. peak mentioned in the "Aeneid" 45
"The Moons of Jupiter" writer Alice 45
Meredith Wilson's "The ___ Man" 45
"That's a lie and you know it!" 45
Gore Vidal's "___ Breckinridge" 45
Gore Vidal novel "___ Breckinridge" 45
Classic fragrance also called Mon Péché 45
''The Phantom Menace'' planet 45
Typical reply to "Qué pasa?" 45
Winner of the most French Open singles titles 45
First name in gymnastics at the 1976 Olympics 45
"My Name Is Earl" actress Velazquez 45
Word that might be said in a Glasgow kiss-off 45
It might beat a dead horse, but not much else 45
Soprano role in "Ariadne auf Naxos" 45
Threw out on the basepaths, in baseball lingo 45
Mailer's "The ___ and the Dead" 45
Simba's mate in "The Lion King" 45
Simba's love in "The Lion King" 45
"Apocalypse Now" setting, for short 45
"Goodnight Saigon" subject, briefly 45