Acronym for a type of filter used in a vacuum | 45 |
Acronym for an aircraft's ascent | 36 |
Acronym for electron beam amplifier | 35 |
Acronym for fighting organized crime | 36 |
Acronym for genes' macromolecules | 37 |
Acronym for Jesus the Nazarene King of the Jews | 47 |
Acronym for nuclear power producers | 35 |
Acronym for the hearing-impaired | 32 |
Acronym for the visually challenged | 35 |
Acronym for Treasure Island author | 34 |
Acronym for useless computer results | 36 |
Acronym formed from "Standard Oil" | 44 |
Acronym in 2013 Supreme Court news | 34 |
Acronym Jeff Gordon is familiar with | 36 |
Acronym meaning 'Hurry!' | 32 |
Acronym popularized by Rachael Ray | 34 |
Acronym song off "Black Sabbath" | 42 |
Acronym that includes middle sch. | 33 |
Acronym that triggered protest blackouts in 2012 | 48 |
Acronym used a lot by Rachael Ray | 33 |
Acronym used to protest nearby landfills | 40 |
Acronym used to protest new landfills | 37 |
Acronym used when you plan to BRB, say | 38 |
Acronymic computer language name | 32 |
Acronymic motto popularized by Drake | 36 |
Acronymic Pearl Jam "Yield" song | 42 |
Acronymic title character of '80s TV | 40 |
Acronymic title once held by MacArthur | 38 |
Acronymic truism about processing faulty data | 45 |
Acronymic U.S. road sign until 1972 | 35 |
Across mid-field in football slang | 34 |
Across-the-Atlantic flier of old, briefly | 41 |
Across-the-gulf neighbor of Somalia | 35 |
Act as a prompter in the theater | 32 |
Act condemned by 396 U.S. cities | 32 |
Act human, according to a proverb | 33 |
Act I figure in "Hamlet" | 34 |
Act I—"On a secret mission" | 44 |
Act II action for Romeo and Juliet | 34 |
Act II action in "Romeo and Juliet" | 45 |
Act impulsively, as young lovers | 32 |
Act in "The Last Samurai" | 35 |
Act in an amusingly affected way | 32 |
Act like a couch potato, with "out" | 45 |
Act like a doting grandma, perhaps | 34 |
Act like a photographer's model | 35 |
Act like an expert without being one | 36 |
Act like an overly protective parent | 36 |
Act like Dustin Hoffman in 1982? | 32 |
Act like Tennyson's "Brigade" | 43 |
Act like the birds in "The Birds" | 43 |
Act of 1941, giving aid to Allies | 33 |
Act of betrayal that appears friendly | 37 |
Act of British Parl. that created Canada | 40 |
Act of dressing and grooming oneself | 36 |
Act of exasperation, in modern-day slang | 40 |
Act of God, e.g. (broken in two places) | 39 |
Act of instantaneous prayer, in modern-day jargon | 49 |
Act of minimizing, as of expenses | 33 |
Act of putting into another alphabet | 36 |
Act on a sudden itch to get hitched | 35 |
Act on a sudden itching for a hitching | 38 |
Act rudely at the checkout counter | 34 |
Act that's "contagious" | 37 |
Act the affectionate grandparent | 32 |
Act the couch potato (with "out") | 43 |
Act the fool or, alternately, act the fool? | 43 |
Act the ham in "Hamlet" | 33 |
Act the political hypocrite in wartime? | 39 |
Act the sycophant, with "over" | 40 |
Act to retain one's property at auction | 43 |
Act vigorously, like Severinsen? | 32 |
Act without the parents' blessings, say | 43 |
Act ___, "La Traviata" finale | 39 |
Actaeon, ultimately, in Greek myth | 34 |
Acted arrogantly with, with "around" | 46 |
Acted impetuously, N.R.A. style? | 32 |
Acted in an environmentally conscious way | 41 |
Acted on ___ (rose to the challenge) | 36 |
Acted rudely while in a line, maybe | 35 |
Acted the parrot or copycat, in simian terms | 44 |
Acting baseball commissioner Bud | 32 |
Acting genre once studied by David Bowie | 40 |
Acting instructor's deg., perhaps | 37 |
Acting like a hidden rattlesnake | 32 |
Acting like one has something to hide | 37 |
Acting on a single number, mathematically | 41 |
Acting twins Ashley and Mary-Kate | 33 |
Action actor's twin in silks? | 33 |
Action appropriate for this puzzle | 34 |
Action at a duplicate tournament | 32 |
Action before blowing out the candles | 37 |
Action before crying "You're it!" | 47 |
Action demanded by W. L. Garrison | 33 |
Action discussed by a hamartiologist | 36 |
Action figure tie-in to a '70s TV detective? | 48 |
Action film heroes are often in it | 34 |
Action film in which Hans Gruber quotes Plutarch | 48 |
Action film that featured John McClane | 38 |
Action flick about desert rockers? | 34 |