Waist reduction aid | 19 |
Waist removal regimens? | 23 |
Waist scarf | 11 |
Waist size | 10 |
Waist surrounder | 16 |
Waist wasters | 13 |
Waist wear | 10 |
Waist wrap | 10 |
Waist, approximately | 20 |
Waist-ful? | 10 |
Waist-length jacket | 19 |
Waist-length jackets | 20 |
Waist-length robe | 17 |
Waist-reduction plans | 21 |
Waist-tied kitchen protectors | 29 |
Waist-to-crotch measure | 23 |
Waist-to-knees area, at times | 29 |
Waistband | 9 |
Waistband brand | 15 |
Waistband for Cio-Cio-San | 25 |
Waistband material | 18 |
Waistband sold in stores? | 25 |
Waistband stretcher | 19 |
Waistband stuff | 15 |
Waistband that's tucked in -- pity, that!? | 46 |
Waistbands | 10 |
Waistcoat | 9 |
Waistcoat item | 14 |
Waistcoat-wearing lagomorph in "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" | 79 |
Waistcoat; dickey | 17 |
Waistcoats | 10 |
Waisted opportunity? | 20 |
Waisted talent? | 15 |
Waistful? | 9 |
Waistless dress | 15 |
Waistline | 9 |
Waistline concern | 17 |
Waistline concern? | 18 |
Waistline nip-ins | 17 |
Waistline reducers | 18 |
Waistline unit | 14 |
Waistline-friendly | 18 |
Waistlines | 10 |
Wait | 4 |
Wait a while | 12 |
Wait a ____ | 11 |
Wait a ____!: hold on | 21 |
Wait and ___ | 12 |
Wait around | 11 |
Wait at attention? | 18 |
Wait at the diner, perhaps | 26 |
Wait at the light | 17 |
Wait at the motor vehicle bureau, say | 37 |
Wait at the red light | 21 |
Wait awhile | 11 |
Wait a____ | 10 |
Wait before going? | 18 |
Wait by the phone, perhaps | 26 |
Wait close by | 13 |
Wait curbside | 13 |
Wait curbside, e.g. | 19 |
Wait curbside, often | 20 |
Wait eagerly at, as the phone | 29 |
Wait for a bus on a rainy day? | 30 |
Wait for a buss | 15 |
Wait for a light | 16 |
Wait for a light, perhaps | 25 |
Wait for green | 14 |
Wait for it | 11 |
Wait for the alarm, maybe | 25 |
Wait for the click, say | 23 |
Wait for the green | 18 |
Wait for the green light | 24 |
Wait for the light | 18 |
Wait for the light to change | 28 |
Wait for the start of a drag race | 33 |
Wait for the start of the drag race | 35 |
Wait idly | 9 |
Wait impatiently | 16 |
Wait in ambush | 14 |
Wait in concealment | 19 |
Wait in hiding | 14 |
Wait in line | 12 |
Wait in neutral | 15 |
Wait in the shadows | 19 |
Wait in the wings | 17 |
Wait nearby | 11 |
Wait on | 7 |
Wait on a knight? | 17 |
Wait on hand and foot | 21 |
Wait on tables | 14 |
Wait on the line | 16 |
Wait on, in a way | 17 |
Wait out a sentence | 19 |
Wait partner | 12 |
Wait patiently | 14 |
Wait tensely? | 13 |
Wait time at the cashiers on Black Friday, seemingly | 52 |
Wait to attack | 14 |
Wait to be found, in a game | 27 |