"Argonautica" character | 33 |
"Argus" rockers Wishbone ___ | 38 |
"Aria da ___," Millay book | 36 |
"Aristotle Contemplating ___ of Homer" | 48 |
"Arizona" Memorial site | 33 |
"Arkansas Traveler" founder | 37 |
"Arma virumque ___": Virgil | 37 |
"Armageddon" actress Tyler | 36 |
"Armageddon" author Leon | 34 |
"Armies of the Night" author | 38 |
"Arms and the Man" playwright | 39 |
"Army exam," said Tom ___ | 35 |
"Aroint thee!," in modern language | 44 |
"Around the Fish" artist | 34 |
"Around the Horn" airer | 33 |
"Around the Horn" cable channel | 41 |
"Around the Horn" carrier | 35 |
"Around the Horn" channel | 35 |
"Around the Horn" group | 33 |
"Around the Horn" network | 35 |
"Around the World in 72 Days" writer | 46 |
"Around the World in 80 Days" author | 46 |
"Around the World in Eighty ___" | 42 |
"Around the World" channel | 36 |
"Around the ___" (ESPN show) | 38 |
"Around ___ parts ..." | 32 |
"Arrangement in Gray and Black No. 1" | 47 |
"Arrangement in Gray and Black" | 41 |
"Arrangement in Gray and Black, No. 1" | 48 |
"Arrangement in Grey and Black No. 1" | 47 |
"Arrangement in Grey and Black" | 41 |
"Arranges" a prize fight | 34 |
"Arrested Development" actress | 40 |
"Arrested Development" actress Shawkat | 48 |
"Arrested Development" actress Whitman | 48 |
"Arrested Development" brother | 40 |
"Arrested Development" character | 42 |
"Arrested Development" character Steve | 48 |
"Arrested Development" family name | 44 |
"Arrested Development" narrator Howard | 48 |
"Arrested Development" star Jason | 43 |
"Arrested Development" star Will | 42 |
"Arrested Development" surname | 40 |
"Arrow of God" novelist Chinua ___ | 44 |
"Arrow" star Colton ___ | 33 |
"Arrowsmith" Pulitzer decliner Lewis | 46 |
"Ars gratia artis" studio | 35 |
"Ars gratia ___" (MGM motto) | 38 |
"Ars longa, __ brevis" | 32 |
"Ars longa, ___ brevis" | 33 |
"Ars ___, vita brevis" | 32 |
"Arsenal of Democracy" pres. | 38 |
"Arsenal of democracy" prez | 37 |
"Arsenic and Old ___" | 32 |
"Arsenic and Old Lace" aunt, e.g. | 43 |
"Arsenic and Old Lace" aunts, e.g. | 44 |
"Arsenic and Old Lace" director | 41 |
"Arsenic and Old Lace" director Frank | 47 |
"Arsenic and Old Lace" director, 1944 | 47 |
"Arsenic and Old Lace" star, 1944 | 43 |
"Art for art's ___" | 33 |
"Art is a delayed ___": Santayana | 43 |
"Art is long, life is short," e.g. | 44 |
"Art of Fugue" composer | 33 |
"Art of silence" performer | 36 |
"Art of the Fugue" composer | 37 |
"Art thou also become weak ___?" | 42 |
"Art thou ___ and popular?": Shak. | 44 |
"Artaxerxes" composer Thomas | 38 |
"Arterio-" counterpart | 32 |
"Artistry in Rhythm" bandleader | 41 |
"Artistry in Rhythm" composer | 39 |
"Artpop" musician, casually | 37 |
"As --- as the day ..." | 33 |
"As a beauty I'm not a ___": Euwer | 48 |
"As a beauty ___" (start of a limerick) | 49 |
"As a matter of fact ..." | 35 |
"As a matter of fact, I do" | 37 |
"As a matter of fact," informally | 43 |
"As an aside," in chat lingo | 38 |
"As before," in footnotes | 35 |
"As far across as my hands are apart" | 47 |
"As God ___ witness ..." | 34 |
"As God ___ witness..." | 33 |
"As Good As It Gets" actor | 36 |
"As Good As It Gets" actress Hunt | 43 |
"As Good as It Gets" co-star | 38 |
"As Good As It Gets" film studio | 42 |
"As Good as It Gets" Oscar nominee | 44 |
"As Good as It Gets" star | 35 |
"As Gregor Samsa ___ one morning ..." | 47 |
"As hot ___ $2 pistol" | 32 |
"As Husbands Go" novelist Susan | 41 |
"As I Lay Dying" character | 36 |
"As I Lay Dying" family name | 38 |
"As I Lay Dying" father | 33 |
"As I Lay Dying" husband | 34 |
"As I see it ..." in a chat room | 42 |
"As I See It" autobiographer | 38 |
"As I see it," in a blog comment | 42 |