
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Feature of King Arthur's music system? 42
Feature of Letterman's smile 32
Feature of Little Shirley Temple 32
Feature of London's Great Exhibition, 1851 46
Feature of lowercase h's and k's 40
Feature of many '80s band members 37
Feature of many a 1970s rock concert 36
Feature of many a ballroom dance 32
Feature of many a criminal mastermind's lair 48
Feature of many a dragster (NFL) 32
Feature of many a gas station nowadays 38
Feature of many a hospital rooftop 34
Feature of many a Ludacris lyric 32
Feature of many a M.I.T. Mystery Hunt 37
Feature of many a McDonald's 32
Feature of many a residential neighborhood 42
Feature of many a romantic comedy 33
Feature of many a V-8 engine car 32
Feature of many an Italian skyline 34
Feature of many cathedral windows 33
Feature of many customer service calls 38
Feature of many Judd Apatow films 33
Feature of many modern computer monitors 40
Feature of many Pennsylvania Dutch hex signs 44
Feature of most paintings of Jesus 34
Feature of much ancient Roman statuary 38
Feature of much of Bach's music 35
Feature of New Orleans architecture 35
Feature of old cruise ships and locomotives 43
Feature of old Greek architecture 33
Feature of one nicknamed "Ginger" 43
Feature of one not easily insulted 34
Feature of one who is barely sleeping? 38
Feature of op'nin' and hap'nin' 47
Feature of opossums' hind feet 34
Feature of Oz's Wicked Witch of the West 44
Feature of Roy Lichtenstein's art 37
Feature of seven Nolan Ryan performances 40
Feature of six other long answers in this puzzle 48
Feature of some American accents 32
Feature of some benefits packages 33
Feature of some classical architecture 38
Feature of some college buildings 33
Feature of some country kitchens 32
Feature of some Gothic architecture 35
Feature of some high-tech cell phones 37
Feature of some kids' cereals 33
Feature of some office buildings 32
Feature of some players' union contracts 44
Feature of some political parties? 34
Feature of some revealing sweaters 34
Feature of some sorta punk hairstyles? 38
Feature of some televised debates 33
Feature of some tires and bridal veils 38
Feature of some trousers or skirts 34
Feature of some waterfront properties 37
Feature of some women's shoes 33
Feature of some women's tops 32
Feature of St. Basil's Cathedral 36
Feature of subscription-only websites 37
Feature of Texaco's logo, once 34
Feature of the "Saw" series 37
Feature of the 1925 opera "Wozzeck" 45
Feature of the ancient palace of Minos at Knossos 49
Feature of the Buckingham Palace grounds 40
Feature of the capital of Greece? 33
Feature of the members of Group 1 33
Feature of the members of Group 2 33
Feature of the Times New Roman font 35
Feature of the top of Mt. Everest 33
Feature of the word 'sign' 34
Feature of this puzzle's theme answers? 43
Feature of TV's "The Fugitive" 44
Feature of Wordsworth's poetry 34
Feature of young Shirley Temple's hair 42
Feature on a Ben & Jerry's carton 41
Feature replaced in four clues in this puzzle 45
Feature shared by Homer Simpson and Norm Peterson 49
Feature that gave a Schnauzer its name 38
Featured artists' cadenzas, for example 43
Featured half of a 45 rpm record 32
Featured item in a necktie party 32
Featured mail-order club offering 33
Featured offering, as at a restaurant 37
Featured on a wanted poster, say 32
Featured player in a 1980s music show 37
Featured singer on Eminem's "Stan" 48
Featured vocalists' selections 34
Features accompanying the comics, often 39
Features common to Uncle Sam and Father Time 44
Features in many Fra Angelico paintings 39
Features of 1950s Coupe de Villes 33
Features of a lobster's anatomy 35
Features of anatomically correct dolls 38
Features of certain British stories 35
Features of clunkers and junkers 32
Features of Dr. Evil's apparel 34
Features of elephants and Prince Charles 40
Features of hills, frills and bills? 36
Features of impressively large films 36