
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

When doubled, a "Rain Man" song 41
When doubled, "thank you" in Mandarin 47
When doubled, "I like!" 33
When dinosaurs roamed the Earth? 32
When digital clocks show ":54" 40
When did you start selling stocks, Mr. Marquand? 48
When Día de Reyes is celebrated 34
When daylight saving time starts and ends 41
When daylight saving begins: Abbr. 34
When dark comes o'er the land 33
When Cursive's "Flowers" bloom 44
When Cuba celebrates Liberation Day 35
When crême glacée is most popular 39
When court starts, in some courts 33
When commuters are often stuck in traffic 41
When Commons grills the Prime Minister 38
When Columbus made his last voyage 34
When collegians descend on Florida 34
When collegians descend on Cancún 36
When coins came into general use 32
When coal, gas and oil are delivered? 37
When clocks are set ahead: Abbr. 32
When Christmas comes in Polynésie 36
When Christianity was "conceived"? 44
When Carmen sings the "Habanera" 43
When car headlights get turned on 33
When Captain Corcoran got seasick 33
When Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving 37
When Canada celebrates Thanksgiving: Abbr. 42
When Canada celebrates la Fete de la Reine 42
When Can. celebrates Thanksgiving 33
When Caesar asks "Et tu, Brute?" 42
When Brutus sees Caesar's ghost 35
When Browning wanted to be in England 37
When bronze was supplanted in toolmaking 40
When bronze was replaced, historically 38
When broken, some people get happy, some sad 44
When Brian McKnight can be reached? 35
When boys join the Vienna Boys Choir 36
When Bloody Mary sings "Happy Talk" 45
When Beaujolais nouveau wines are released: Abbr. 49
When baseball's All-Star Game is played 43
When bars close, in most U.S. cities 36
When bad booze is served after hours? 37
When babies are brought to the stadium? 39
When Arbor Day is observed: Abbr. 33
When Antonio calls the world a stage 37
When Annie sings "Maybe" 34
When and where the Beatles like to shop? 40
When an iconic "Life" photo was taken 47
When an Aussie's pride goeth? 33
When an airplane is due to take off, for short 46
When an afternoon meeting might start 37
When an actress can see forever? 32
When American elections are held 32
When all one's planning is put to the test 46
When Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr dueled 45
When album hits the street, slang 33
When actress Radner captured the zeitgeist? 43
When actions creak louder than words? 37
When a zookeeper makes the rounds with a bucket 47
When a touchdownÂ’s expected: abbr. 38
When a touchdown is expected, briefly 37
When a surprise-party spoiler arrives 37
When a State of the Union speech is given 41
When a situation becomes critical 33
When a second-shift employee may get home 41
When a right turn may be allowed 32
When a right is sometimes allowed 33
When a rainout might be rescheduled 35
When a racket hits the first ball at Wimbledon? 47
When a psychotherapy session might end 38
When a psychiatric session might wrap up 40
When a procrastinator tends to something 40
When a procrastinator might get around to it? 45
When a procrastinator does things 33
When a plane should get in: Abbr. 33
When a plane should get in (Abbr.) 34
When a plane or train is due, for short 39
When a plane is expected, briefly 33
When a plane is expected to land (Abbr.) 40
When a plane is expected in, briefly 36
When a plane is expected (Abbr.) 32
When a plane is due to take off: Abbr. 38
When a plane is due to take off (abbr.) 39
When a plane is due in, for short 33
When a memorable movie gunfight occurs 38
When a May baby is conceived: Abbr. 35
When a local news program might air 35
When a coffee break may be taken 32
When a clock's hands point upward 37
When a child born in 1982 will be 22 36
When a baby might say his first word 36
When "To be, or not to be" is heard 45
When "To be or not to be" is recited 46
When "The Lucy Show" aired: Abbr. 43
When "the livin' is easy" 39
When "The Apprentice" airs 36
When "SNL" is over in NYC 35
When "SNL" ends, in NYC 33