Possible Questions:
- Tiny
- Minute
- Not much
- Minuscule
- Pint-sized
- Diminutive
- Very small
- Itsy-bitsy
- Lilliputian
- Itty-bitty
- Very little
- Like Willie Winkie
- Teensy
- Microscopic
- Small
- Miniature
- Pint-size
- Teeny
- Baby
- Infinitesimal
- Early
- Dwarf
- Petite
- Undersized
- Hard to see
- Very early
- Mighty small
- Teeny-tiny
- Little
- Elfin
- Barely perceptible
- Atomic
- Really small
- Puny
- Like a bairn
- Bantam
- Quite small
- Like some hours
- Leprechaun-like
- Kind of hour
- Bitty
- Barely visible
- ___ bit
- When tripled, a nursery rhyme cry
- On the small side
- Miniscule
- Mini
- Like early morning hours
- Itty bitty
- Not large
- Like a leprechaun
- Leprechaunlike
- Willie Winkie description
- Midget
- Like Willie Keeler
- Early, as hours
- Word for Willie Winkie
- Word for a bairn
- Willie Winkie
- Teeny tiny
- Small, to a bagpipes player
- Sma'
- Sma
- Post-midnight hour adjective
- Little piggy's cry
- Like Winkie
- Like tiny tots
- Like small laddies?
- Like an Aberdeen newborn
- Like a mite
- Like a Burnsian mouse
- Gnat-sized
- Bitsy
- Bit modifier
- Bide-a-___
- ''___ Willie Winkie''
- ___ Willie Winkie
- Word for Willie
- Word for post-midnight hours
- Word for morning hours
- Word for early morning hours
- Willie Winkie-sized
- Very petite
- Undersize
- Tiny, to Angus
- Tiny, in Ayr
- The ___ early hours
- Teeny-weeny
- Small, to a bagpipe player
- Robert Burns' "The Bonnie _____ Thing"
- Pygmean
- Prekindergarten
- Opposite of massive
- Munchkinlike
- More than petite
- Little, like laddies
- Like Thumbelina
- Like the early hours of the morning
- Like small laddies
- Like runts of the litter
- Like Munchkins
- Like early-morning hours
- Like early hours
- Like Burns's tim'rous beastie
- Like Burns's "tim'rous beastie"
- Like a mite or a mote
- Like a homunculus
- Like a baby to Burns
- Like 3 a.m., say
- Late-hours word
- First word of Burns's "To a Mouse"
- Ever so slight
- Elf-sized
- Eensy
- Bide a ___
- Almost invisible
- A time to bide
- A ___ bit
- "She is a winsome ___ thing": Burns
- "My Wife's a Winsome ___ Thing": Burns
- "In the ___ Small Hours of the Morning" (Frank Sinatra song)
- "___ Willie Winkie"
- "___ Small Hours," D. Mann tune
- "___ Geordie," 1956 movie
- ''Just a ___ bit more''
- ''___ Geordie''
- ___ doch-an'-dorris
- __ bit