
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Kind of conference 18
Kind of confession 18
Kind of confidence 18
Kind of confinement 19
Kind of confrontation 21
Kind of congestion 18
Kind of congressional election 30
Kind of Congressman 19
Kind of connection 18
Kind of connection for traveling computer users 47
Kind of connection from a mobile device to a PC 47
Kind of conscious 17
Kind of consciousness 21
Kind of consciousness or book 29
Kind of consent 15
Kind of conservation 20
Kind of conservative 20
Kind of conspiracy 18
Kind of contact banned by the NFL 33
Kind of contest 15
Kind of contraceptives 22
Kind of contract 16
Kind of contract clause 23
Kind of contrast 16
Kind of contribution 20
Kind of control 15
Kind of convent 15
Kind of convention rule 23
Kind of convention speaker 26
Kind of conversation 20
Kind of converter 17
Kind of cook 12
Kind of cook or diner 21
Kind of cooker 14
Kind of cookie 14
Kind of cooking 15
Kind of cop 11
Kind of copy 12
Kind of cord 12
Kind of cord in the larynx 26
Kind of cord or column 22
Kind of cord or current 23
Kind of cord or saw 19
Kind of cords 13
Kind of corn 12
Kind of corn cake 17
Kind of corn or angle 21
Kind of corn or art 19
Kind of corn or money 21
Kind of corn? 13
Kind of corner 14
Kind of corp. takeover 22
Kind of corporal 16
Kind of correspondence 22
Kind of correspondence in math 30
Kind of correspondent 21
Kind of cortex 14
Kind of costume 15
Kind of cott or hood 20
Kind of cotton 14
Kind of cotton thread 21
Kind of couch 13
Kind of council or seal 23
Kind of counseling 18
Kind of count in a blood test 29
Kind of counter 15
Kind of couple 14
Kind of couplet 15
Kind of course 14
Kind of course or dive 22
Kind of court 13
Kind of court defense 21
Kind of court or cross 22
Kind of court or hall 21
Kind of court or pool 21
Kind of court or school 23
Kind of court or scooter 24
Kind of cousins 15
Kind of cover 13
Kind of cow 11
Kind of cow or lion 19
Kind of cow, dog or horse 25
Kind of cow, dog, horse, or lion 32
Kind of cow, dog, or horse 26
Kind of cow, horse, dog or man 30
Kind of cozy 12
Kind of cozy? 13
Kind of crab 12
Kind of crab or clam 20
Kind of crack 13
Kind of cracker 15
Kind of cracker or fountain 27
Kind of crackers 16
Kind of craft 13
Kind of crasher 15
Kind of crat 12
Kind of craving 15
Kind of crayon 14
Kind of crazy 13
Kind of crazy? 14