Two-yr. degrees | 15 |
Two-yr. humanities degrees | 26 |
Two-__ | 6 |
Two-__ (cola purchase, perhaps) | 31 |
Two-__ (deceitful) | 18 |
Two-__ (old short films) | 24 |
Two-__ (short film) | 19 |
Two-__ paper towels | 19 |
Two-__ sloth | 12 |
Two-__ tissues | 14 |
Two-__: tandem | 14 |
Two-___ | 7 |
Two-___ (aggressive) | 20 |
Two-___ (ballroom dance) | 24 |
Two-___ (court situation) | 25 |
Two-___ (deceitful) | 19 |
Two-___ (deceive) | 17 |
Two-___ (extended TV episode) | 29 |
Two-___ (fast break) | 20 |
Two-___ (fox trot forerunner) | 29 |
Two-___ (grueling football practice regimen) | 44 |
Two-___ (kind of fastball) | 26 |
Two-___ (like some bathroom tissue) | 35 |
Two-___ (movie shorts) | 22 |
Two-___ (movies) | 16 |
Two-___ (old kind of motion picture) | 36 |
Two-___ (short movie) | 21 |
Two-___ (some bathing suits) | 28 |
Two-___ (strong) | 16 |
Two-___ (tandems) | 17 |
Two-___ paper towels | 20 |
Two-___ sloth | 13 |
Two-___ suit | 12 |
Two-___ tissue | 14 |
Two-___ Tony Galento | 20 |
Two-___ truck | 13 |
Two-____: fast break | 20 |
Two-_____ | 9 |
Two: Comb. form | 15 |
Two: Prefix | 11 |
Two: Sp. | 8 |
TwoÂ’s company, threeÂ’s a crowd, but ... | 47 |
Twofers, e.g. | 13 |
Twofold | 7 |
Twofold in nature | 17 |
Twofold nature | 14 |
Twofold setback | 15 |
Twofold: Abbr. | 14 |
Twos | 4 |
Twos in a deck | 14 |
Twos in the news | 16 |
Twos, in cards | 14 |
Twos, in Dundee | 15 |
Twos, in Roma | 13 |
Twos: abbr. | 11 |
Twosome | 7 |
Twosome conflict | 16 |
Twosome in "Roberta" | 30 |
Twosome in a biathlon | 21 |
Twosome in a downhill run | 25 |
Twosome in a gossip column | 26 |
Twosome in Mecca | 16 |
Twosome in Tarrytown | 20 |
Twosome in the gossip columns | 29 |
Twosome in the news, or the news itself | 39 |
Twosome of toondom | 18 |
Twosome on stage | 16 |
Twosome you read about | 22 |
Twosome, in a gossip column | 27 |
Twosome, in tabloids | 20 |
Twosome, tabloid-style | 22 |
Twosome, to tabloids | 20 |
Twosome, to TMZ | 15 |
Twosomes | 8 |
Twosomes (abbr.) | 16 |
Twosomes in the tabloids | 24 |
Twosomes in the tabloids? | 25 |
Twosomes: abbr. | 15 |
Twyla ___, ballet choreographer | 31 |
Twyla, the choreographer | 24 |
TX event held at the end of winter | 34 |
TX institution | 14 |
TX neighbor | 11 |
TX time | 7 |
Txt | 3 |
Txt msg app | 11 |
Txt shorthand sometimes followed by "WUT" | 51 |
Txted word of polite request | 28 |
Txts | 4 |
Txts, e.g. | 10 |
Ty Cobb | 7 |
Ty Cobb and Willie Mays, positionally: Abbr. | 44 |
Ty Cobb specialty | 17 |
Ty Cobb ___ | 11 |
Ty Cobb's sobriquet | 23 |
Ty Cobb, for most of his career | 31 |
Ty of Cooperstown | 17 |
Ty of the Baseball Hall of Fame | 31 |
Ty or Irvin S. | 14 |
Ty or Lee J. | 12 |