
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

November word 13
Nursery cries 13
Not somnolent 13
Noted retreat 13
Novelist Hugh 13
Neared an end 13
Numbers game? 13
Never existed 13
Nest resident 13
Need for life 13
Noted hymnist 13
Not so strong 13
Normal damage 13
Needing a nap 13
Not so normal 13
No longer are 13
NUMBERS 13:33 13
Newborn puppy 13
Nasal plaints 13
Not on target 13
Not so narrow 13
Nobelist Elie 13
Nintendo name 13
Noted violist 13
Non-macho men 13
Napa squeezer 13
Napa business 13
NSA invasions 13
Novelist Owen 13
Not masculine 13
News; tidings 13
Nine-to-niner 13
Noted marshal 13
Nero's 91 13
Noel briefly 13
Nissan S.U.V. 13
New Haven Ivy 13
November dish 13
New Englander 13
New Age giant 13
NBA star Ming 13
NFL statistic 13
NFL distances 13
New _____ Day 13
Nodded answer 13
Nods, usually 13
Neverthe-less 13
Negative side 13
Noted cellist 13
Novelist Grey 13
Nuke, as food 13
Novelist Gale 13
Natal section 13
Natal natives 13
Narrow battery 14
Noisy counters 14
Nunnery V.I.P. 14
NBC competitor 14
Nuts and bolts 14
Napping, maybe 14
Number two son 14
Noted shepherd 14
Nichols suitor 14
Not all thumbs 14
Nuclear weapon 14
Nip in the bud 14
None of the __ 14
Nervous as ___ 14
No. on a check 14
Nailed an exam 14
Need a massage 14
Need a rubdown 14
Need a backrub 14
Needed aspirin 14
Needs liniment 14
Needing relief 14
Nadir opposite 14
Nut with a cap 14
Nut of the oak 14
Nice-sized lot 14
Not be passive 14
Nimoy or Nolte 14
Nightclub bits 14
Needle: Prefix 14
Needle (Pref.) 14
Nabobkov novel 14
Number-one man 14
Novelize, e.g. 14
Nisan preceder 14
Near East port 14
Nice farewell? 14
Navy VIP's 14
Noisy activity 14
Nervous energy 14
Not fun at all 14
Nimble-digited 14
Newspaper part 14
New tour spots 14
Not for minors 14
NRC forerunner 14