Handbook of euphemisms? | 23 |
Handbook, e.g. | 14 |
Handbooks | 9 |
Handcart for moving large instruments? | 38 |
Handcuff | 8 |
Handcuff, in slang | 18 |
Handcuffed things | 17 |
Handcuffs | 9 |
Handed (out) | 12 |
Handed (out) sparingly | 22 |
Handed a line | 13 |
Handed a raw deal from | 22 |
Handed down | 11 |
Handed down a decision | 22 |
Handed down by word of mouth | 28 |
Handed down orally | 18 |
Handed down punishment | 22 |
Handed down, as lore | 20 |
Handed down, in a way | 21 |
Handed or fisted preceder | 25 |
Handed or headed | 16 |
Handed or headed start | 22 |
Handed out | 10 |
Handed out cards | 16 |
Handed out hands | 16 |
Handed out one's cards? | 27 |
Handed out playing cards | 24 |
Handed out the hands | 20 |
Handed out, as cards | 20 |
Handed over | 11 |
Handed-down bodies of belief | 28 |
Handed-down family treasure | 27 |
Handed-down history | 19 |
Handed-down knowledge | 21 |
Handed-down legends | 19 |
Handed-down stories | 19 |
Handed-down tale | 16 |
Handed-down tales | 17 |
Handed-down teachings | 21 |
Handed-down wisdom | 18 |
Handed-out circulars | 20 |
Handel | 6 |
Handel bars | 11 |
Handel bars, e.g. | 17 |
Handel bars? | 12 |
Handel cantata "__ e Leandro" | 39 |
Handel cantata "___ e Leandro" | 40 |
Handel composition | 18 |
Handel contemporary | 19 |
Handel favorite | 15 |
Handel forte | 12 |
Handel handled this well | 24 |
Handel hero | 11 |
Handel masterwork | 17 |
Handel opera | 12 |
Handel opera based on Greek myth | 32 |
Handel opera set during the Crusades | 36 |
Handel opera set in Greece | 26 |
Handel opera written in Italian | 31 |
Handel opus | 11 |
Handel opus: Abbr. | 18 |
Handel or Bach piece | 20 |
Handel oratorio | 15 |
Handel oratorio about a biblical woman | 38 |
Handel oratorio king | 20 |
Handel oratorio: 1720 | 21 |
Handel piece | 12 |
Handel piece, e.g. | 18 |
Handel poolside offering | 24 |
Handel specialties | 18 |
Handel specialty | 16 |
Handel work | 11 |
Handel work (with "The") | 34 |
Handel work featuring David | 27 |
Handel work: Abbr. | 18 |
Handel wrote one "for the Birthday of Queen Anne" | 59 |
Handel's ''Hercules'' is one | 48 |
Handel's ''Lotario,'' e.g. | 46 |
Handel's ''Messiah,'' e.g. | 46 |
Handel's ''_____ Galatea e Polifemo'' | 57 |
Handel's 'Messiah,' e.g. | 36 |
Handel's "--- in Egypt" | 37 |
Handel's "Deidamia," for one | 42 |
Handel's "Gloria in Excelsis ___" | 47 |
Handel's "Israel in Egpyt," for one | 49 |
Handel's "Le ___" | 31 |
Handel's "Lotario," e.g. | 38 |
Handel's "Messiah" | 32 |
Handel's "Messiah," e.g. | 38 |
Handel's "Messiah," et al. | 40 |
Handel's "Messiah," for one | 41 |
Handel's "Samson" and others | 42 |
Handel's "Samson" or "Saul" | 51 |
Handel's "Samson" or "Solomon" | 54 |
Handel's "Saul," for one | 38 |
Handel's "The Messiah," for one | 45 |
Handel's "Vieni, O cara!" is one | 46 |
Handel's "___ and Galatea" | 40 |
Handel's "___ Anthems" | 36 |
Handel's "___ e Leandro" | 38 |