
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Genesis patriarch (Var.) 24
Graph's x-coordinate 24
German composer: 1819-85 24
Gum arabic-yielding tree 24
Ghana's largest city 24
Got no return in tennis 24
German "Alas!" 24
Good-sized building site 24
Grp. with a lot of pull? 24
Gator or orange follower 24
Ginger's predecessor 24
Gulf bordered by Somalia 24
Go for ___ (go swimming) 24
Go for --- (go swimming) 24
Grover's second veep 24
Glands above the kidneys 24
Gray-flannel specialties 24
Geological time division 24
Geological period (Var.) 24
Greenskeeper's gizmo 24
Gymnast's somersault 24
Guardian Life competitor 24
G sharp's equivalent 24
Guarded secret, for some 24
Get better, as much wine 24
Got better, like cheddar 24
Gray Panthers' banes 24
Good on the balance beam 24
Geriatrician's study 24
Galore, in the disco era 24
Gentlemen's, for one 24
Great way to leave Vegas 24
Gift-openers' sounds 24
Gift openers' sounds 24
Grant money, essentially 24
Gets in one's sights 24
Grammarian's bugaboo 24
Garlic-flavored dressing 24
Garlicky French dressing 24
Glider pilot's power 24
Goodyear's Ohio home 24
Gov. Wallace's state 24
George Hamilton's ex 24
Grammy winner Morissette 24
Get ___ start (be tardy) 24
Garment under a chasuble 24
Gaelic name for Scotland 24
Genetically abnormal one 24
Giant automaker supplier 24
Ginger ___ (soda choice) 24
Go over like ___ balloon 24
Get ___ on (find a clue) 24
Girl who chased a rabbit 24
Get off your high horse? 24
Glasvegas frontman James 24
Gives as one's share 24
Gustav Mahler's wife 24
Gustav MahlerÂ’s wife 24
Get ___ of (hear): Slang 24
Goofy weatherman of note 24
Gov't representative 24
Gaston's girlfriends 24
Gun shop purchase, often 24
G.I.'s lethal supply 24
G.I.'s fighting need 24
Gas company bought by BP 24
Garland worn on the head 24
Galarraga of the Rockies 24
Gabrielle's guardian 24
German chancellor Merkel 24
Goat hair made into wool 24
Grieg's dancing girl 24
Grasshopper's critic 24
Grasshopper's friend 24
Gambler's obligation 24
Go ___ (get out of hand) 24
Gorillas and chimpanzees 24
Green-bellied sap sucker 24
GIs' mailing address 24
Granny Smith or McIntosh 24
GasBuddy and Angry Birds 24
Gamal Abdel Nasser, e.g. 24
Graceful, spirited horse 24
Game player's haunts 24
Geometric formula result 24
Geometric multiplication 24
God who drove a quadriga 24
Glacial valley overlooks 24
Gaucho's land: abbr. 24
Golden Fleece quest ship 24
Gas in fluorescent bulbs 24
Gold-rush figure in 1849 24
Get into it, so to speak 24
Grammy nominee India.___ 24
Give it ___ (swing hard) 24
Greek war god, to Greeks 24
Get off one's behind 24
Get off one's chest? 24
Gopher-wood construction 24
Guitar-strumming Guthrie 24