Half a picker-upper | 19 |
Half a phrase warning not to spit when you talk | 47 |
Half a Philippine seaport | 25 |
Half a Philippine city's name | 33 |
Half a perfume oil | 18 |
Half a percussion pair | 22 |
Half a Pennsylvania college | 27 |
Half a pendulum's path? | 27 |
Half a pendulum's path | 26 |
Half a pay period, often | 24 |
Half a patio pair | 17 |
Half a panda's name | 23 |
Half a pairs pair | 17 |
Half a pairat the fireplace | 27 |
Half a pair of winter boots | 27 |
Half a pair meaning ''very small'' | 50 |
Half a pair for pairs | 21 |
Half a Pacific isle | 19 |
Half a nursery-rhyme spider's description: Var. | 51 |
Half a number puzzle | 20 |
Half a noted comedy duo | 23 |
Half a notable Hungarian? | 25 |
Half a Northwest city | 21 |
Half a North African dish | 25 |
Half a nautical reply | 21 |
Half a musical title | 20 |
Half a Muppet duo | 17 |
Half a mountaineering expedition | 32 |
Half a motorboat sound | 22 |
Half a mo | 9 |
Half a mint? | 12 |
Half a mint | 11 |
Half a million bimillennia | 26 |
Half a Midwest city | 19 |
Half a menu combo | 17 |
Half a Melville title | 21 |
Half a medium? | 14 |
Half a meal | 11 |
Half a McDonald's logo | 26 |
Half a matched set | 18 |
Half a married detective team, heroes of 26 Frances and Richard Lockridge novels | 80 |
Half a married couple | 21 |
Half a magician's incantation | 33 |
Half a lover's quarrel | 26 |
Half a logic puzzle | 19 |
Half a little train? | 20 |
Half a literary leaf | 20 |
Half a legendary comedy team | 28 |
Half a legendary comedy duo | 27 |
Half a legendary bluegrass duo | 30 |
Half a Leeward Island federation | 32 |
Half a leaf | 11 |
Half a laugh? | 13 |
Half a laugh | 12 |
Half a Latin dance | 18 |
Half a Kipling pair | 19 |
Half a Kikuyu group's name | 30 |
Half a kids' game | 21 |
Half a kid's game | 21 |
Half a Kenyan rebel | 19 |
Half a Kenyan group's name | 30 |
Half a jumble | 13 |
Half a Jules Verne number | 25 |
Half a Jim Carrey title | 23 |
Half a Jim Carrey movie | 23 |
Half a Jim Carrey film title | 28 |
Half a Japanese tree | 20 |
Half a Jackson | 14 |
Half a Hungarian? | 17 |
Half a huge cost? | 17 |
Half a hot-food combo | 21 |
Half a horn sound | 17 |
Half a historic bomber | 22 |
Half a Heyerdahl title | 22 |
Half a Hawaiian fish | 20 |
Half a Hamilton | 15 |
Half a half-dozen | 17 |
Half a guy-gal argument | 23 |
Half a greeting call | 20 |
Half a golf course | 18 |
Half a giggle | 13 |
Half a German spa | 17 |
Half a German resort | 20 |
Half a gas mileage rating | 25 |
Half a game's name | 22 |
Half a game | 11 |
Half a gaffe | 12 |
Half a Gabor? | 13 |
Half a Gabor sister's name | 30 |
Half a Gabor sister | 19 |
Half a Gabor name | 17 |
Half a Gabor | 12 |
Half a G.I. wolf call | 21 |
Half a French film title: 1975 | 30 |
Half a French dancehall dance | 29 |
Half a French dance | 19 |
Half a fragrant oil | 19 |
Half a fortnight | 16 |
Half a food fish | 16 |
Half a fly? | 11 |