Ready for the World: "Oh ___" | 39 |
Rodgers and Hammerstein musical setting | 39 |
Relative of reggae and mento, musically | 39 |
Reaction to a fresh suggestion, perhaps | 39 |
Replay type for an armchair quarterback | 39 |
Rangefinder camera alternative, briefly | 39 |
Reader of someone else's diary, say | 39 |
Reduce the mineral content of, as water | 39 |
Remark from one who's smelled a rat | 39 |
Rihanna's first #1 Billboard single | 39 |
Rihanna hit of 2006 or Abba hit of 1975 | 39 |
Rocker might have a short attention one | 39 |
Ray-finned fishes of the Southwest U.S. | 39 |
Rose in ''Gypsy'', e.g. | 39 |
Raconteurs "___ Bought Bones" | 39 |
Runs in real time, as an Internet video | 39 |
Rozovsky play, based on a Tolstoy story | 39 |
Reason for a trip to an ophthalmologist | 39 |
Receptacle for employee recommendations | 39 |
Rice who is U.S. ambassador to the U.N. | 39 |
Roberts of "A View to a Kill" | 39 |
Religion with diagrams called the bagua | 39 |
Russian news bureau during the Cold War | 39 |
Ryan's 'Paper Moon' co-star | 39 |
Resort feature that can give you a lift | 39 |
Restaurant's after-dinner selection | 39 |
Reality show about great mortgage deals | 39 |
Rule of ___ (comedy writer's maxim) | 39 |
Rolling Stones "Under My ___" | 39 |
Reason to stay after the fourth quarter | 39 |
Rotated to aim lower, as a movie camera | 39 |
Recipient of two New Testament epistles | 39 |
Related to church taxes (HALT IT anag.) | 39 |
Rationale for stealing artwork (Part 3) | 39 |
Rock opera that featured the Acid Queen | 39 |
Rationale for stealing artwork (Part 2) | 39 |
Result of putting two and two together? | 39 |
Refusing to bail out one's kid, say | 39 |
Rustler's final "hangout" | 39 |
Roman fountain with a statue of Neptune | 39 |
Rapper with several posthumous releases | 39 |
Rating of a program blocked by a V-chip | 39 |
Retro '80s British indie rock genre | 39 |
Relatively relaxed, as personalities go | 39 |
Replete with four-letter words, perhaps | 39 |
River that the Ilek joins in Kazakhstan | 39 |
Robert of "Spenser: For Hire" | 39 |
Respond to one who won't go quietly | 39 |
Rte. through six Eastern state capitals | 39 |
Rapper whose name sounds like a dessert | 39 |
Ruler of Taurus and Libra, in astrology | 39 |
Renan's "La ___ Jésus" | 39 |
Rival site that launched before YouTube | 39 |
Result of a small turnout at Communion? | 39 |
Response to 'You wouldn't!' | 39 |
Reagan's first Sec. of the Interior | 39 |
Reason for saying "T.G.I.F.!" | 39 |
Raquel of "Myra Breckinridge" | 39 |
Ray Charles "___'d I Say" | 39 |
Request for an attorney's argument? | 39 |
Reaction to the sweet smell of success? | 39 |
Radioer's "Good as done!" | 39 |
Ruler surnamed the Silent: 16th century | 39 |
Resort town for video game enthusiasts? | 39 |
Result of a phobia of medical pictures? | 39 |
Role in "Son of Frankenstein" | 39 |
Reply of disbelief, to a Roman goddess? | 39 |
Requirement for going around the world? | 39 |
Region in Robert W. Service's poems | 39 |
Rock trio known for its bearded members | 39 |
Rhyme pattern at the end of a villanelle | 40 |
Rhyme for "love" in many songs | 40 |
Response to getting one's dander up? | 40 |
Remote place to "worship from" | 40 |
Reunion rockers might show signs of this | 40 |
Rabbit-sized rodent found in rainforests | 40 |
Ray of "God's Little Acre" | 40 |
Ryan's "Love Story" costar | 40 |
Role in Verdi's "Falstaff" | 40 |
Restaurant owner in an Arlo Guthrie song | 40 |
R&B "Serious" singer Donna | 40 |
Refrigerator brand featuring Temp-Assure | 40 |
River between Manchuria and the U.S.S.R. | 40 |
Rabbit breed that's a source of wool | 40 |
Righteous Babe Records founder Di Franco | 40 |
Rook's spot on a chessboard, perhaps | 40 |
Rejoinder to ''Am too!'' | 40 |
Role for Jeremy on "Entourage" | 40 |
Rebel angel in "Paradise Lost" | 40 |
R. Taylor's "Camille" role | 40 |
River under Florence's Ponte Vecchio | 40 |
Record-holding N.F.L. receiver _____Monk | 40 |
Roughly a third of Earth's land area | 40 |
Resort city along the Roaring Fork River | 40 |
Rose that blossomed in the late '80s | 40 |
Removes water from, with "out" | 40 |
Reprimand (with ''out'') | 40 |
Rodriguez upset with negative publicity? | 40 |
Racers seen in "Cool Runnings" | 40 |
Restart a computer (with "up") | 40 |