
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

A police car may get one: Abbr. 31
A police officer may ask for it 31
A policeman's isn't happy 33
A policy expert, say 20
A polishing powder 18
A polite dismissal 18
A political position 20
A pollutant 11
A Polo 6
A polyhedron 12
A Polynesian language 21
A Polynesian tongue 19
A pome caused her to leave home 31
A pome made her leave home 26
A Ponderosa son 15
A pongid 8
A pony, perhaps 15
A ponytail hangs over it 24
A Pooh companion 16
A pop 5
A pop group might have one on Facebook 38
A pop, say 10
A pop-up has one 16
A pop? 6
A pope in Charlemagne's day 31
A pope may lead it 18
A pope who became a saint 25
A poplar 8
A popular one is "In your face!" 42
A popular one is golden 23
A popular one is modeled after the Winchester rifle 51
A popular one might chart 25
A popular Perón 18
A popular way to cook 21
A porgy 7
A portion 9
A portion (of) 14
A portion of 12
A portion of land: Brit. 24
A portmanteau word 18
A portrayer of Charlie Chan 27
A portrayer of Dr. Kildare 26
A position of prominence 24
A positive course of action 27
A positive word 15
A possessive 12
A possible answer to the riddle 31
A possible end to night? 24
A possible title for this puzzle 32
A postal service 16
A poster may have one 21
A potable 9
A pound has 100 15
A POUND here . . . 18
A pound of Turkey? 18
A pound, in Soho 16
A powder 8
A powdered blue glass 21
A powdery starch 16
A power of dos 14
A power of two 14
A power source 14
A Powerpuff Girl, e.g. 22
A pox on your locks 19
A practice of David 19
A practice that can't be wrong? 35
A prankster may pull one 24
A Prarie Province 17
A prayer 8
A prayer place 14
A pre-Benji star 16
A preceder of about 19
A preceder of spring 20
A precept of Inspector Clouseau 31
A predecessor of Boomer 23
A predecessor of Checkers 25
A predecessor of Holmes 23
A predecessor of six 20
A predecessor of Solon 22
A predecessor of Tricky Dick 28
A prelate and a playwright 26
A prescription drug 19
A president and his conflict 28
A president usually has one 27
A Presidential candidate 24
A Presidential nickname 23
A presidential oath? 20
A presidential power 20
A Pretorian 11
A pretty capable person 23
A Previn 8
A previous time 15
A pricey one may be made of koa wood 36
A pride of lions? 17
A priest, not a beast 21
A priestess of Aphrodite 24
A prig splits them 18
A prima donna has a large one 29
A prima donna's needs stroking 34
A primary color 15