Decryption needs | 16 |
Decry | 5 |
Decriminalized, perhaps | 23 |
Decretal | 8 |
Decrepit, in Dijon | 18 |
Decrepit horse ridden by Don Quixote | 36 |
Decrepit horse | 14 |
Decrepit digit? | 15 |
Decrepit building, perhaps | 26 |
Decrepit building, e.g. | 23 |
Decrepit boat | 13 |
Decrepit | 8 |
Decrees in Islam | 16 |
Decrees | 7 |
Decreeing | 9 |
Decreed from a court | 20 |
Decreed | 7 |
Decree, in law | 14 |
Decree _____ (legal term) | 25 |
Decree ____ (non- binding) | 26 |
Decree ___, in divorce cases | 28 |
Decree ___ (non-absolute court ruling) | 38 |
Decree ___ (legal term) | 23 |
Decree ___ | 10 |
Decree __: ruling that later becomes final | 42 |
Decree that spells things out | 29 |
Decree proclaimed against Salman Rushdie | 40 |
Decree of a sovereign | 21 |
Decree of a sort | 16 |
Decree of a Muslim ruler | 24 |
Decree in Paree | 15 |
Decree in imperial Russia | 25 |
Decree in Canada | 16 |
Decree in advance | 17 |
Decree from the world's largest nation? | 43 |
Decree ender? | 13 |
Decree ender | 12 |
Decree by Hussein, e.g. | 23 |
Decree | 6 |
Decreasingly | 12 |
Decreasing? | 11 |
Decreasing, in musical scores | 29 |
Decreasing thing? | 17 |
Decreasing numbers of | 21 |
Decreasing in speed | 19 |
Decreasing in intensity | 23 |
Decreasing device | 17 |
Decreasing | 10 |
Decreases? | 10 |
Decreases, in a way | 19 |
Decreases, as pain | 18 |
Decreases work activity? | 24 |
Decreases the bankroll | 22 |
Decreases slightly | 18 |
Decreases one's bankroll | 28 |
Decreases in strength | 21 |
Decreases gradually | 19 |
Decreases | 9 |
Decreaser? | 10 |
Decreased? | 10 |
Decreased, as profits | 21 |
Decreased the pressure | 22 |
Decreased one's wherewithal | 31 |
Decreased in strength | 21 |
Decreased in intensity | 22 |
Decreased gradually, with "down" | 42 |
Decreased gradually | 19 |
Decreased | 9 |
Decrease? | 9 |
Decrease, as the moon | 21 |
Decrease, as support | 20 |
Decrease, as confidence | 23 |
Decrease, as a load | 19 |
Decrease the space between, as typeset letters | 46 |
Decrease the production (of) | 28 |
Decrease the bankroll | 21 |
Decrease or devalue | 19 |
Decrease in vitality | 20 |
Decrease in value | 17 |
Decrease in sunburn severity? | 29 |
Decrease in strength | 20 |
Decrease in intensity | 21 |
Decrease gradually, with "down" | 41 |
Decrease gradually (with "down") | 42 |
Decrease gradually | 18 |
Decrease | 8 |
Decoys | 6 |
Decoy? | 6 |
Decoy, of sorts | 15 |
Decoy to dealers | 16 |
Decoy site, maybe | 17 |
Decoy or siren, essentially | 27 |
Decoy or siren | 14 |
Decoy for dealers | 17 |
Decoy accompanier | 17 |
Decoy | 5 |
Decorum | 7 |
Decorticates | 12 |
Decorticated | 12 |
Decorticate | 11 |