Actress Graff and others | 24 |
Actress Graff or Kristen | 24 |
Actress Gray and others | 23 |
Actress Gray from Neb. | 22 |
Actress Grey or Martin | 22 |
Actress Grier and others | 24 |
Actress Gwyn and others | 23 |
Actress Hagen and namesakes | 27 |
Actress Hamilton or Hunt | 24 |
Actress Harper and others | 25 |
Actress Harper, for short | 25 |
Actress Hartmann of TV | 22 |
Actress Hatcher and others | 26 |
Actress Hayworth or Wilson | 26 |
Actress Headey and others | 25 |
Actress Heckart et al. | 22 |
Actress Hermione from England | 29 |
Actress Holly Robinson ___ | 26 |
Actress Hope or Jessica | 23 |
Actress Hudson or Winslet | 25 |
Actress Hunt, from Chicago | 26 |
Actress Hurley, for short | 25 |
Actress Imogene and family | 26 |
Actress in Sons and Lovers | 28 |
Actress in "Nana" | 27 |
Actress in "Pinky" | 28 |
Actress in "Rocky" | 28 |
Actress in "Rosie!" | 29 |
Actress in "Splash" | 29 |
Actress in a dressing room? | 27 |
Actress in Kong's hand | 26 |
Actress in Mickey's past | 28 |
Actress Ina or Mireille | 23 |
Actress Irene from NYC | 23 |
Actress Irene from Greece | 25 |
Actress Jamie ___ Curtis | 24 |
Actress Jane or Bridget | 23 |
Actress Janet's pleas | 25 |
Actress Jean and others | 23 |
Actress Jean from London | 24 |
Actress Jennifer Jason __ | 25 |
Actress Jennifer Love ___ | 25 |
Actress Jennifer of Liar Liar | 29 |
Actress Jessica and family | 26 |
Actress Jessica and others | 26 |
Actress Jessica et al. | 22 |
Actress Jillian et al. | 22 |
Actress Joan: 1909–79 | 28 |
Actress Jodi -- O'Keefe | 27 |
Actress Judith from El Paso | 27 |
Actress Judith or Dana | 22 |
Actress Julia Louis- -- | 23 |
Actress Julie from Norway | 25 |
Actress June from N.Y.C. | 24 |
Actress June from Rock Island | 29 |
Actress Kaminska et al. | 23 |
Actress Katharine et al. | 24 |
Actress Kazan or Kravitz | 24 |
Actress Kedrova and others | 26 |
Actress Kelly from Brooklyn | 27 |
Actress Kendrick or Chlumsky | 28 |
Actress Kim of "24" | 29 |
Actress Kruger and others | 25 |
Actress Kudrow and others | 25 |
Actress lacking applause? | 25 |
Actress Lanchester and others | 29 |
Actress Landi's namesakes | 29 |
Actress Lane of old TV | 22 |
Actress Lansbury or Bassett | 27 |
Actress Lee of old films | 24 |
Actress Lee of TV and film | 26 |
Actress Lena or actor Ken | 25 |
Actress Lenore of yesteryear | 28 |
Actress Lesley ___ Warren | 25 |
Actress Lesley _____ Warren | 27 |
Actress Lilli or Betsy | 22 |
Actress Lillian or Dorothy | 26 |
Actress Lindsay or Ali | 22 |
Actress Lloyd or Watson | 23 |
Actress Long and others | 23 |
Actress Long or Peeples | 23 |
Actress Long or Vardalos | 24 |
Actress Longoria or Gabor | 25 |
Actress Longoria Parker | 23 |
Actress Lords or Bingham | 24 |
Actress Louise from N.Y. | 24 |
Actress lover of Charles II | 27 |
Actress Lupino and others | 25 |
Actress Lupino, et al. | 22 |
Actress Lynn from Roanoke | 25 |
Actress MacGraw et al. | 22 |
Actress Madeleine et al. | 24 |
Actress Madeline and others | 27 |
Actress Madeline et al. | 23 |
Actress Maggie Smith, e.g. | 26 |
Actress Magnani et al. | 23 |
Actress Maria Conchita ___ | 26 |
Actress Maria ____ Alonso | 25 |
Actress married to Kurt Weill | 29 |
Actress Marsh and others | 24 |