One of four generations in a photo | 34 |
Outstanding posture for a catcher? | 34 |
Oklahoma's first state capital | 34 |
One interested in current affairs? | 34 |
Olympic gold medalist Wickenheiser | 34 |
Organically based skin care liquid | 34 |
Old "Tonight Show" intro | 34 |
One with an alternate flight plan? | 34 |
Offer one's services for a fee | 34 |
One often seen at a family reunion | 34 |
Order to a slow-moving counterman? | 34 |
Opening of a memorable walrus song | 34 |
On the mend, say, as one's arm | 34 |
One trying to keep her seat, maybe | 34 |
Or's correlative, in Yorkshire | 34 |
Overpowered Minute Maid dispenser? | 34 |
Onetime Regis' co-host --- Lee | 34 |
One who engages in finger painting | 34 |
Observation posts for Peeping Toms | 34 |
Offer for an R. J. Reynolds brand? | 34 |
One getting strokes, in a good way | 34 |
One putting the pedal to the metal | 34 |
Ontario town, or entertainer Cohen | 34 |
Odd sign at Victoria's Secret? | 34 |
Oldest U.S. department store chain | 34 |
One with important clerical duties | 34 |
One in the "noonday sun" | 34 |
Old Trafford's team, for short | 34 |
One whose work may include legends | 34 |
One who prefers actions, not words | 34 |
One who accomplishes amazing feats | 34 |
One who gives Jewish babies a trim | 34 |
Ozzy-fronted '78 Sabbath album | 34 |
Org. with a yellow-framed magazine | 34 |
Of a type of heavenly intersection | 34 |
One who's afraid of Christmas? | 34 |
Ones without a chance in the world | 34 |
Oscar-winning role for Sally Field | 34 |
One of a trio in Scandinavian myth | 34 |
One of Sophocles' Theban plays | 34 |
One side of a bilingual store sign | 34 |
One who thinks snakes are charming | 34 |
Out-of-tune playing of a symphony? | 34 |
Old World bird eaten as a delicacy | 34 |
One result of all work and no play | 34 |
One not with the Church of England | 34 |
One placed between warring parties | 34 |
One who works with a certain alloy | 34 |
One whose music is easy to follow? | 34 |
One who engages in finger-pointing | 34 |
One who's rarely a team player | 34 |
One of New York's finest e.g. | 34 |
One with a crowbar, perhaps (Var.) | 34 |
Order given before shooting starts | 34 |
Omnivorous nocturnal mammal (Var.) | 34 |
One of Buddy Holly's last hits | 34 |
One taking advantage of a long arm | 34 |
One may be set up after a disaster | 34 |
One often picked up at the airport | 34 |
One place to spin one's wheels | 34 |
Overwatered plant's affliction | 34 |
Oregon graduates in vulcanization? | 34 |
One who stops to smell the daisies | 34 |
Oscar nominee for "Hugo" | 34 |
Ones whose business is going down? | 34 |
Oft-abbreviated love-letter phrase | 34 |
Oft-abbreviated love letter phrase | 34 |
Occasions for calling people back? | 34 |
One who shakes in a kitchen, maybe | 34 |
Opt not to be a state of the Union | 34 |
One of Marge Simpson's sisters | 34 |
Obama's 2005-'08 workplace | 34 |
One of 100 coveted American prizes | 34 |
One of New York's Finger Lakes | 34 |
One often has a colon in its title | 34 |
One of the highest order of angels | 34 |
One might be heard under a balcony | 34 |
One who might play under a balcony | 34 |
Offer a Thanksgiving Day highlight | 34 |
Org. that sends signals into space | 34 |
Ones giving marching orders: Abbr. | 34 |
O.J. Simpson trial attorney Robert | 34 |
One helped raise Romulus and Remus | 34 |
One of an Iraqi religious majority | 34 |
One side in a casual football game | 34 |
Old woman's nursery rhyme home | 34 |
One who's an overnight success | 34 |
One going from theater to theater? | 34 |
Only head coach in six Super Bowls | 34 |
One who has no trouble developing? | 34 |
One who's constantly snapping? | 34 |
Ozzy has "Ultimate" ones | 34 |
Occupation not much seen nowadays? | 34 |
One way to the top on the mountain | 34 |
Opening for the wrist or the back? | 34 |
One of thrash metal's Big Four | 34 |
Opposite of "stay awake" | 34 |
Official state toy of Pennsylvania | 34 |
One who leaves too many things out | 34 |
One who often doesn't pick up? | 34 |