Number of ova in a carton | 25 |
Number of patients | 18 |
Number of pence in a shilling | 29 |
Number of people | 16 |
Number of people in a room | 26 |
Number of pesetas in un duro | 28 |
Number of pins in a strike | 26 |
Number of pipers piping | 23 |
Number of Planeten | 18 |
Number of planets, perhaps? | 27 |
Number of players on "La Ruota Della Fortuna" | 55 |
Number of players or innings | 28 |
Number of playing cards in an ancient Roman deck? | 49 |
Number of plays attributed to William Shakespeare | 49 |
Number of pockets on a snooker table | 36 |
Number of points for a field goal | 33 |
Number of points for a safety | 29 |
Number of points in love | 24 |
Number of points on the Canadian flag's maple leaf | 54 |
Number of points scored by a safety | 35 |
Number of points scored by Seattle in their only Super Bowl | 59 |
Number of points?: Abbr. | 24 |
Number of prime interest | 24 |
Number of prime interest? | 25 |
Number of prime ministers on Downing Street? | 44 |
Number of protons by which the elements in the four longest puzzle answers have been enhanced | 93 |
Number of provinces in Canada | 29 |
Number of Qs in this grid | 25 |
Number of Qs in this puzzle's grid | 38 |
Number of quarts in a gallon | 28 |
Number of Queen Victoria's children | 39 |
Number of remaining dodo birds | 30 |
Number of Ring operas | 21 |
Number of Roman hills | 21 |
Number of sales calls? | 22 |
Number of satellites around Mars | 32 |
Number of Saturn's satellites | 33 |
Number of Scrabble points for a B, C, M or P | 44 |
Number of seasons "Arrested Development" lasted | 57 |
Number of sequels to the original "Planet of the Apes" | 64 |
Number of service aces, e.g. | 28 |
Number of shoes? | 16 |
Number of sides in a decagon | 28 |
Number of sides in an octagon | 29 |
Number of sides of an "alto" sign | 43 |
Number of sides on a hexagon | 28 |
Number of sides on a stop sign | 30 |
Number of sides on an "alto" sign | 43 |
Number of sides on stop signs | 29 |
Number of signos del zodiaco | 28 |
Number of Sinbad's voyages | 30 |
Number of Sindbad's voyages | 31 |
Number of spirits? | 18 |
Number of stars on Old Glory | 28 |
Number of stars, perhaps | 24 |
Number of starters in the Baseball-Bundesliga | 45 |
Number of states when Monroe was sworn in | 41 |
Number of states whose last two letters are its own postal abbreviation | 71 |
Number of stitches per minute? | 30 |
Number of Stooges | 17 |
Number of Stooges in Italy | 26 |
Number of Stooges in Italy? | 27 |
Number of storied bears | 23 |
Number of strings on a Spanish guitar | 37 |
Number of stripes on the flag of Deutschland | 44 |
Number of stripes on the flag of Italia | 39 |
Number of studio albums "Round Room" was for Phish | 60 |
Number of Super Bowls Brett Favre won | 37 |
Number of Super Bowls Dan Marino won | 36 |
Number of Supreme Court judges | 30 |
Number of Supreme Court justices | 32 |
Number of syllables in a line, to Brits | 39 |
Number of talking animals in the Bible | 38 |
Number of tears? | 16 |
Number of teeth Goofy has | 25 |
Number of teeth? | 16 |
Number of Tenori | 16 |
Number of the 1985 Super Bowl | 29 |
Number of the 2002 Winter Olympics | 34 |
Number of the 2016 Olympics | 27 |
Number of the Super Bowl to be held in 2057 | 43 |
Number of this clue, to Carlos | 30 |
Number of tiles per Scrabble set for the letter at the end of the answer to each starred clue | 93 |
Number of times the letter 'U' appears in each of this puzzle's eight longest answers | 97 |
Number of times this puzzle's theme word appears diagonally in the grid (to complete the puzzle, shade those words plus the Down answers that begin where they meet) | 168 |
Number of tons in a Ford tune | 29 |
Number of trades Jack is a master of | 36 |
Number of Trevi coins | 21 |
Number of Triple Crown winners through 2003 | 43 |
Number of trombones in an Urbie Green album title | 49 |
Number of trombones in an Urbie Green title | 43 |
Number of unique lineups U2 has had, as well as the name of a single from "Achtung Baby" | 98 |
Number of unspecified things | 28 |
Number of W's in Wagner | 27 |
Number of weeks in Julius Caesar's year? | 44 |
Number of weeks per annum | 25 |
Number of weeks per annum? | 26 |
Number of wheels on a Mack truck | 32 |
Number of wheels on a semi | 26 |
Number of Willson's trombones | 33 |