
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Elaborate solo vocal composition 32
Elevens, not ones, in blackjack? 32
Expert witness in a sanity trial 32
Eruption spot in Indonesia: 1969 32
Equally old, with "of" 32
Excellently done bit of homework 32
Embellishing musical note [2005] 32
Ecclesiastic next below a bishop 32
Engelbert Humperdinck, né ___ 32
Eastern strain of the H2N2 virus 32
Egyptian river-control structure 32
Events marked by large streamers 32
Ellen of "Man Trouble" 32
East Harlem and East Los Angeles 32
Enables a runner to score, maybe 32
Escape-proof gravitational field 32
Eradicated, with "out" 32
Executives' conference areas 32
Eschewer of convention, in slang 32
Erstwhile New York resort region 32
Electronic storage density meas. 32
End neither in the red nor black 32
English town's first course? 32
Enthusiastic children's plea 32
Eager kids' query to parents 32
Elevated communication structure 32
English reform movement: 1838-48 32
Easy to scale, for a mountaineer 32
Eeler's musical instruments? 32
Everything but Alaska and Hawaii 32
Easy and high-paying, like a job 32
Early fight for George Armstrong 32
Evil dwarf feared by Little Nell 32
Expression of gratitude in Gotha 32
Evel and Robbie Knievel, for two 32
English writer: 1873–1956 32
End of the farmer's question 32
Europe's third-longest river 32
Employee using a word processor? 32
Earful for one getting an eyeful 32
Encouragement from Journey, 1981 32
Evaporating, with "up" 32
Event in N Calif.: Oct. 17, 1989 32
Environmentalist's test site 32
Eve of "The Good Body" 32
Explosive Mount St. Helens event 32
Event in southern Italy: A.D. 79 32
Englishman's stunning defeat 32
Equine's choice cut of beef? 32
End of a popular quiz show query 32
Early American Federalist leader 32
Escapes from some pesky insects? 32
Evidence washed away by the tide 32
Effete goodbye from a true thug? 32
Ellipsoid flattened at the poles 32
East African safari park effort? 32
Escapes dramatically from prison 32
Expelled because of a low grade? 32
Enough for former hurler Dwight? 32
Elvis Presley's Memphis home 32
Exclamatory best-selling author? 32
Electronic communication devices 32
Excitement over a certain dwarf? 32
Eponymous doctor with a maneuver 32
Eponymous ancestor of the Greeks 32
Emma Watson role in eight movies 32
Exclamation after a long commute 32
Enriched course option at school 32
Elmer Fudd's favorite color? 32
Engine in an Accent or a Sonata? 32
Europe's westernmost country 32
Emphatic boast of responsibility 32
East: challenges North's bid 32
Event first won by a Marmon Wasp 32
Elbe tributary in Czechoslovakia 32
Extra eye for a traffic reporter 32
Emmy winner for "Lost" 32
Ex-quarterback turns numbers man 32
Exercise popularized by Jim Fixx 32
English poet joins U.S. comedian 32
Extra large plumbers' tools? 32
End Sleeping Beauty's sleep? 32
Even-steven, as a baseball score 32
Early Slavonic ruler's title 32
Early five-and-dime entrepreneur 32
Eldest daughter at Downton Abbey 32
Epithet for an annoying roommate 32
Early automaker Henry and others 32
Edward G. Robinson gangster film 32
Euphemism for a certain facility 32
Entrant with high odds, probably 32
English author Edward Bulwer-___ 32
Either of two Old Testament bks. 32
Eye part subject to degeneration 32
English metaphysical poet Andrew 32
Escher's initial occupation? 32
Ethiopian king slain by Achilles 32
Ex ___ (of one's own accord) 32
Era when dinosaurs were dominant 32
Ex-Yankee wearing a Disney cape? 32