
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Kind of shot? 13
Keebler rival 13
Keep worrying 13
Kingdom loser 13
Kenya capital 13
Kleenex, e.g. 13
Kid's mom 13
Kind of sound 13
Kind of twang 13
Kind of chart 13
Kind of sayer 13
Knick or Celt 13
Kind of grant 13
Kan. neighbor 13
Kan. borderer 13
Knitting tool 13
Kurt refusal? 13
Kin of shucks 13
Kite homesite 13
King of Pylos 13
Kind of smell 13
Kind of flash 13
Kind of brief 13
Kind of Nelly 13
Kind of creed 13
Kin of -arian 13
Kind of cloud 13
Kin of kabuki 13
Kabuki cousin 13
Kitchen space 13
Kind of stock 13
King creation 13
Knitted scarf 13
Kind of beach 13
Kind of rhyme 13
Klutzy people 13
Kiln for hops 13
Kiln for malt 13
Kind of meal? 13
Kimono closer 13
Kimono sashes 13
Kind of liner 13
Kind of chord 13
Keatsian poem 13
Keatsian form 13
Keats vehicle 13
Keats was one 13
Kin of aromas 13
Knob position 13
Kind of slick 13
Kneading need 13
Kind of strut 13
Kichen staple 13
Kafka heroine 13
Kind of world 13
Kind of place 13
Keep ___ cool 13
Kind of pizza 13
Keys or jacks 13
Kind of nerve 13
Keynote giver 13
Kingly symbol 13
Killer at sea 13
Keiko was one 13
Killer whales 13
Klondike find 13
Kind of chem. 13
Kidneys, e.g. 13
Kobe neighbor 13
Kind of path? 13
Kind of space 13
Kind of round 13
Kitchen sight 13
Kind of daisy 13
Kind of moron 13
Kind of wagon 13
Kind of shawl 13
Kitchen spray 13
Kitchen array 13
Kind of score 13
Kitchen knife 13
K.P. utensils 13
K.P. activity 13
Kitchen waste 13
Khyber is one 13
Kind of tense 13
Kitchen tubes 13
Kids eat here 13
Kind of saint 13
Kind of shell 13
Kiss of peace 13
Kind of melba 13
Kin of apples 13
Kitchen gismo 13
Keyhole snoop 13
Kind of rally 13
Kind of peeve 13
Kitty or Fido 13
Kittens, e.g. 13