State with no sales tax | 23 |
State with many Mormons | 23 |
State with major floods in 2008 | 31 |
State with low alcohol content limits | 37 |
State with Leipzig and Dresden | 30 |
State with legal brothels | 25 |
State with lax firearm laws | 27 |
State with keys (Abbr.) | 23 |
State with just three counties: Abbr. | 37 |
State with just three counties | 30 |
State with five national parks | 30 |
State with firmness | 19 |
State with conviction | 21 |
State with controversial immigration laws: Abbr. | 48 |
State with controversial ID laws | 32 |
State with confirmation | 23 |
State with confidence | 21 |
State with certainty | 20 |
State with authority | 20 |
State with assurance | 20 |
State with area codes 216, 440, and 614 | 39 |
State with a three-word capital | 31 |
State with a swallowtail flag | 29 |
State with a recent controversy over the teaching of evolution: Abbr. | 69 |
State with a pennant-shaped flag | 32 |
State with a peninsula: Abbr. | 29 |
State with a panhandle: Abbr. | 29 |
State with a panhandle (abbr.) | 30 |
State with a panhandle | 22 |
State with a pandhandle: Abbr. | 30 |
State with a non-rectangular flag | 33 |
State with a large Amish population | 35 |
State with a Green River | 24 |
State with a five-sided flag | 28 |
State with a Carbon and Iron county | 35 |
State with a border formed by the Missouri R. | 45 |
State with a bison skull on its quarter | 39 |
State with a big caucus | 23 |
State with a 45-mile Canadian border | 36 |
State with 99 counties but 100 county seats | 43 |
State with "Greatest snow on earth" license plates | 60 |
State whose tallest bldg. has only 19 floors | 44 |
State whose ratification of the Twenty-first Amendment ended Prohibition | 72 |
State whose quarter says "Crossroads of America": Abbr. | 65 |
State whose quarter depicts mustangs and sagebrush: Abbr. | 57 |
State whose panhandle touches Canada | 36 |
State whose official beverage is tomato juice | 45 |
State whose motto is "Industry" | 41 |
State whose motto is "Friendship" | 43 |
State whose license plate says "Famous Potatoes" | 58 |
State whose highest spot is Panorama Pt. | 40 |
State whose highest point is Guadalupe Peak | 43 |
State whose highest point is Borah Peak | 39 |
State whose eight official songs include "Rocky Top" | 62 |
State whose capital is Panaji | 29 |
State whose capital is Mérida | 32 |
State whose cap. is Montgomery | 30 |
State whose cap. is Boise | 25 |
State where Tiger Woods crashed his car: Abbr. | 46 |
State where the presidential primaries begin | 44 |
State where the Osmonds are from | 32 |
State where the Mississippi R. originates | 41 |
State where the folding step ladder was invented | 48 |
State where Szell conducted | 27 |
State where Paul Newman was born | 32 |
State where Obama nearly cracked 25% in 2012 | 44 |
State where no one uses their arms? | 35 |
State where Mitt Romney won an easy primary victory | 51 |
State where Interstates 35 and 80 cross | 39 |
State where Geo. W. Bush was born | 33 |
State where Garrison Keillor was born (abbr.) | 45 |
State where G.W. assumed command | 32 |
State where Don Ho was born (or was he? let's see the REAL birth certificate, Don!) | 87 |
State where Brigham Young is buried | 35 |
State where bolo ties are common | 32 |
State where a famous historical trail ended: Abbr. | 50 |
State when one's nose is out of joint | 41 |
State what's not so | 23 |
State west of R.I. | 18 |
State west of N.C. | 18 |
State west of Montana | 21 |
State west of Mont. | 19 |
State west of Mo. | 17 |
State west of Minn. | 19 |
State west of Ind. | 18 |
State west of Ga. | 17 |
State west of Del. | 18 |
State w. of Montana | 19 |
State VIP | 9 |
State vices?: Abbr. | 19 |
State vehemently | 16 |
State V.I.P.: Abbr. | 19 |
State V.I.P. | 12 |
State utility regulator: abbr. | 30 |
State util. regulator | 21 |
State unwaveringly | 18 |
State until 1991: Abbr. | 23 |
State University of New York campus site | 40 |
State university locale | 23 |
State unflinchingly | 19 |