
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Whoop-de-doo 12
Whoop-de-do 11
Whoop-de- -- (hooplas) 22
Whoop it up 11
Whoop 5
Whomps 6
Whomping actor Eric? 20
Whomped, biblically 19
Whomped, a la Samson 20
Whomped a la Samson 19
Whomp, old-style 16
Whomp, biblically 17
Whomp up ___ of pottage 23
Whomp relative 14
Whomp 5
Whomever 8
Whom: Fr. 9
Whom Zeus visited as a swan 27
Whom you might see in your rearview mirror if you ignore the above signs 72
Whom Wednesday was named for 28
Whom Wednesday is named for 27
Whom we lift a glass to 23
Whom Vladimir and Estragon were waiting for, in a Beckett play 62
Whom Vieira will replace 24
Whom Venice's airport is named for 38
Whom Uncle Sam wants 20
Whom Turkey's Weeping Rock is said to represent 51
Whom Truman defeated for president 34
Whom Tony and Rico fought over, in "Copacabana" 57
Whom Tolkien once called "High Elves" 47
Whom to trust, in spy films 27
Whom to put the blame on 24
Whom the Swiss Guards guard 27
Whom the Swiss Guard guard 26
Whom the Romans defeated at the Battle of Aquae Sextiae, 102 B.C. 65
Whom the riled raise 20
Whom the Obamas named their dog for 35
Whom the host hosts 19
Whom the French called ''Monsieur Crescendo'' 61
Whom the Edgar honors 21
Whom the Edgar Award was named for 34
Whom the cheerleaders cheer 27
Whom the Bible says to love 27
Whom the Arc de Triomphe honors 31
Whom the angels name in "The Raven" 45
Whom the agents work for (and a chunk of each theme answer) 59
Whom the A.G. might address 27
Whom the A.G. addresses 23
Whom Taylor defeated for president in 1848 42
Whom tax evaders fear 21
Whom Stephen Colbert said "looks like the kind of bold leader youÂ’d see on a box of Centrum Silver" 113
Whom Spaniards call "maestros" 40
Whom Souter succeeded 21
Whom some novelty disguises imitate 35
Whom some habitually blame 26
Whom some California vintners pray to? 38
Whom Sinatra called the "classiest" singer 52
Whom Simple Simon met 21
Whom Shelley wept for 21
Whom Seth begat 15
Whom seekers seek 17
Whom Scarpia double-crosses 27
Whom Sacagawea aided 20
Whom Roseanne hides? 20
Whom Robert Frost was named for 31
Whom Reps. run against 22
Whom Reagan beat in 1984 24
Whom Raskolnikov confesses his crime to in "Crime and Punishment" 75
Whom R.E. Lee fought for 24
Whom psychiatrists see 22
Whom preachers preach to 24
Whom Pocahontas married 23
Whom Pilate pardoned 20
Whom People magazine once named the worldÂ’s “sexiest classical musician” 84
Whom Othello declares "is most honest" 48
Whom one is taken for? 22
Whom one goes out with 22
Whom Obama bested in 2008 25
Whom not to mess with 21
Whom Mr. T pities, with "the" 39
Whom mateys address 19
Whom Marlin sought in a 2003 film 33
Whom King David sent to be killed in battle 43
Whom Kerry succeeded in the U.S. Senate 39
Whom Ken Jennings questioned 28
Whom John Bull symbolizes 25
Whom Jimmy once courted off court 33
Whom Jezebel worshiped 22
Whom Jason jilted 17
Whom Jack followed 18
Whom irate ones raise 21
Whom Ingrid played in "Casablanca" 44
Whom hosts host 15
Whom Holyfield KO'd, 11/9/96 32
Whom Han Solo calls "Your Worship" 44
Whom Hamlet calls "A man that Fortune's buffets and rewards / Hast ta'en with equal thanks" 109
Whom Goya painted both nude and clothed 39
Whom Goldwater called "the most dishonest individual I have ever met in my life" 90
Whom Gdansk's airport is named for 38
Whom Gandalf was modeled on 27