MMCDX halved | 12 |
MMA result | 10 |
MMA move | 8 |
MMA fighter John (don't know if he's related to baseball player Mel) | 76 |
MMA fight finale | 16 |
mm/dd/yyyy info | 15 |
MLXX divided by X | 17 |
MLX divided by X | 16 |
MLX ÷ X | 10 |
MLVII ÷ VII | 14 |
MLS team sponsored by Volkswagen | 32 |
MLS player, e.g. | 16 |
MLS offering | 12 |
Mlles., in Spain | 16 |
Mlles., in Madrid | 17 |
Mlles., across the border | 25 |
Mlles.' counterparts | 24 |
Mlles. of Seville | 17 |
Mlles. after marriage | 21 |
Mlles, across the Pyrenees | 26 |
Mlle., in Spain | 15 |
Mlle., in Rio | 13 |
Mlle., in Puerto Rico | 21 |
Mlle., in Monterrey | 19 |
Mlle., in Mexico | 16 |
Mlle., in Málaga | 19 |
Mlle., in Marbella | 18 |
Mlle., in Manresa | 17 |
Mlle., in Mallorca | 18 |
Mlle., in Madrid | 16 |
Mlle., in Barcelona | 19 |
Mlle., across the Pyrenees | 26 |
Mlle.'s Spanish equivalent | 30 |
Mlle.'s pen pal, maybe | 26 |
Mlle.'s neighbor | 20 |
Mlle.'s counterpart | 23 |
Mlle. who's canonized | 25 |
Mlle. who's been canonized | 30 |
Mlle. Valery | 12 |
Mlle. Signoret | 14 |
Mlle. relative | 14 |
Mlle. La Douce | 14 |
Mlle. in Mexico | 15 |
Mlle. from Manzanares | 21 |
Mlle. from Madrid | 17 |
Mlle. from Acapulco | 19 |
Mlle. Fifi's creator | 24 |
Mlle. ending | 12 |
Mlle. counterpart | 17 |
Mlle. across the Pyrenees | 25 |
MLK, for one | 12 |
MLK, e.g. | 9 |
MLK's title | 15 |
MLK part: Abbr. | 15 |
MLK Day month | 13 |
MLK birthday month | 18 |
MLBers since '05 | 20 |
MLBers get four for a grand slam | 32 | datum | 13 |
MLB's oldest team | 21 |
MLB's oldest stadium | 24 |
MLB's highest-paid player | 29 |
MLB's Halos, on scoreboards | 31 |
MLB's Cliff Lee, e.g. | 25 |
MLB'er Lyle | 15 |
MLB VIPs | 8 |
MLB VIP's | 13 |
MLB VIP Scott Boras, e.g. | 25 |
MLB team with the most ALCS wins | 32 |
MLB team with a bridge in its logo | 34 |
MLB team that has been in the league the longest without a no-hitter | 68 |
MLB team leaders | 16 |
MLB team from D.C. | 18 |
MLB stats | 9 |
MLB statistic | 13 |
MLB stat | 8 |
MLB star suspended for the entire 2014 season | 45 |
MLB spring training locale | 26 |
MLB semifinal | 13 |
MLB scoring stats | 17 |
MLB score lines | 15 |
MLB rival of CHW | 16 |
MLB relief pitcher who was country singer Tim's father | 58 |
MLB rally killers | 17 |
MLB post-season mo. | 19 |
MLB playoff round that featured LA and Phil. in 2008 | 52 |
MLB playoff round | 17 |
MLB Play-By-Play station | 24 |
MLB pitch measure | 17 |
MLB nos. | 8 |
MLB nickname in recent news | 27 |
MLB nickname | 12 |
MLB National, formerly | 22 |
MLB mascot whose number is 00 | 29 |
MLB long balls | 14 |
MLB lines | 9 |
MLB line score heading | 22 |
MLB league | 10 |
MLB injured reserves, briefly | 29 |
MLB honorees | 12 |