Obstinate ones | 14 |
Obstinate person | 16 |
Obstinate reply | 15 |
Obstinate sort | 14 |
Obstinate type | 14 |
Obstinate, and what the other four longest puzzle answers are? | 62 |
Obstinate, as a mule | 20 |
Obstinate: Colloq. | 18 |
Obstinate? | 10 |
Obstreperous | 12 |
Obstreperous child's cry | 28 |
Obstruct | 8 |
Obstruct deliberately | 21 |
Obstruct inquiries | 18 |
Obstruct the flow of | 20 |
Obstruct, as a copier | 21 |
Obstructed | 10 |
Obstructing object | 18 |
Obstructing progress, informally | 32 |
Obstructing, maybe | 18 |
Obstruction | 11 |
Obstruction at the entrance to a cave, maybe | 44 |
Obstruction caller | 18 |
Obstruction for salmon | 22 |
Obstruction in motion | 21 |
Obstruction, as in a pipe | 25 |
Obstruction-free | 16 |
Obstructionist | 14 |
Obstructionist's word | 25 |
Obstructions | 12 |
Obstructive | 11 |
Obstructive pileup | 18 |
Obstructor of congress? | 23 |
Obstructs | 9 |
Obstructs, as a pipe | 20 |
Obstructs, as a stream | 22 |
Obstructs, in law | 17 |
Obtain | 6 |
Obtain (from) | 13 |
Obtain a higher ranking than | 28 |
Obtain a return | 15 |
Obtain a sublease | 17 |
Obtain as a volunteer | 21 |
Obtain by a shakedown | 21 |
Obtain by chance | 16 |
Obtain by coercion | 18 |
Obtain by demand | 16 |
Obtain by effort | 16 |
Obtain by force | 15 |
Obtain by interrogation | 23 |
Obtain by trickery | 18 |
Obtain by wheedling | 19 |
Obtain despite resistance | 25 |
Obtain elsewhere, as parts or supplies | 38 |
Obtain exclusive control | 24 |
Obtain for | 10 |
Obtain forcibly | 15 |
Obtain free | 11 |
Obtain from overseas | 20 |
Obtain from various sources | 27 |
Obtain genetically | 18 |
Obtain justly | 13 |
Obtain real estate by force? | 28 |
Obtain service from | 19 |
Obtain some value from | 22 |
Obtain the hard way, with "out" | 41 |
Obtain the optimal result on a hand, in hearts | 46 |
Obtain through flattery | 23 |
Obtain through intimidation | 27 |
Obtain through labor | 20 |
Obtain underhandedly | 20 |
Obtain unfairly | 15 |
Obtain using force | 18 |
Obtain via a shakedown | 22 |
Obtain via force | 16 |
Obtain via shakedown | 20 |
Obtain with difficulty | 22 |
Obtain with great effort, with "out" | 46 |
Obtain, as a suspect, from another state | 40 |
Obtain, as benefits | 19 |
Obtain, as supplies | 19 |
Obtain, as support | 18 |
Obtain, as vengeance | 20 |
Obtain, bacteriologically | 25 |
Obtain, but just barely | 23 |
Obtained | 8 |
Obtained a five-finger discount | 31 |
Obtained dishonorably | 21 |
Obtained from a keg | 19 |
Obtained from milk | 18 |
Obtained from oil | 17 |
Obtained illegally | 18 |
Obtained vindication | 20 |
Obtained water from a well | 26 |
Obtained water, in a way | 24 |
Obtained with difficulty | 24 |
Obtained: Abbr. | 15 |
Obtained: Fr. | 13 |
Obtainers | 9 |
Obtains | 7 |