Disarrange, in a way | 20 |
Disarrange, as poker chips | 26 |
Disarrange, as a kid's hair | 31 |
Disarrange | 10 |
Disaronno Originale product | 27 |
Disarming words? | 16 |
Disarming events? | 17 |
Disarming cry? | 14 |
Disarmed a bull | 15 |
Disarmed a bomb | 15 |
Disarmed | 8 |
Disarmament treaty concerns | 27 |
Disarm? | 7 |
Disarm a bull | 13 |
Disarm | 6 |
Disapprovingly | 14 |
Disapproving words | 18 |
Disapproving word | 17 |
Disapproving vote | 17 |
Disapproving utterances | 23 |
Disapproving syllable | 21 |
Disapproving sounds | 19 |
Disapproving sound | 18 |
Disapproving shouts | 19 |
Disapproving shout | 18 |
Disapproving of | 15 |
Disapproving noise | 18 |
Disapproving looks | 18 |
Disapproving look | 17 |
Disapproving king? | 18 |
Disapproving fans' chorus | 29 |
Disapproving fan | 16 |
Disapproving expression | 23 |
Disapproving cry | 16 |
Disapproving cries | 18 |
Disapproving comment | 20 |
Disapproving clucks | 19 |
Disapproving click | 18 |
Disapproving | 12 |
Disapproves, audibly | 20 |
Disapproves of | 14 |
Disapprovers' demonstrations | 32 |
Disapproved, by the sound of it | 31 |
Disapproved vocally | 19 |
Disapproved of | 14 |
Disapproved | 11 |
Disapprove of strongly | 22 |
Disapprove of | 13 |
Disapprove loudly | 17 |
Disapprove | 10 |
Disapprovals | 12 |
Disapproval sounds | 18 |
Disapproval sound | 17 |
Disapproval from the bleachers | 30 |
Disapproval | 11 |
Disappoints, and then some | 26 |
Disappoints | 11 |
Disappointments, after four | 27 |
Disappointments for baseball fans | 33 |
Disappointments | 15 |
Disappointment, often ... and a hint to this puzzle's theme | 63 |
Disappointment for ticket purchasers | 36 |
Disappointment | 14 |
Disappointing snack for Bugs Bunny? | 35 |
Disappointing screen message | 28 |
Disappointing RSVPs | 19 |
Disappointing return | 20 |
Disappointing R.S.V.P.'s | 28 |
Disappointing news about a sale item | 36 |
Disappointing mark | 18 |
Disappointing firecracker | 25 |
Disappointing finish | 20 |
Disappointing election results | 30 |
Disappointing dig finds? | 24 |
Disappointing date, maybe | 25 |
Disappointing course finish | 27 |
Disappointing Chicago Bears draft pick Curtis | 45 |
Disappointing "Who's with me?" response? | 54 |
Disappointed, slangily | 22 |
Disappointed salesman? | 22 |
Disappointed postgame comment | 29 |
Disappointed one | 16 |
Disappointed Olympic team members, maybe | 40 |
Disappointed interjections from Dirk Nowitzki | 45 |
Disappointed exclamation upon opening a holiday card | 52 |
Disappointed cry | 16 |
Disappointed comment | 20 |
Disappointed | 12 |
Disappoint, with "down" | 33 |
Disappoint, in a way | 20 |
Disappoint the coach, perhaps | 29 |
Disappoint the Blue Fairy, in a way | 35 |
Disappoint one's fans | 25 |
Disappoint Lee Strasberg | 24 |
Disappoint a carrot-loving pet? | 31 |
Disappoint (with "down") | 34 |
Disappoint (with ''down'') | 42 |
Disappoint | 10 |
Disappears slowly | 17 |
Disappears like the Wicked Witch of the West | 44 |