Fawn over with flattery | 23 |
Fawn over, with 'on' | 28 |
Fax machine's forefather | 28 |
Fax's older cousin | 22 |
Fay Dunaway film of '79 | 27 |
Fay famous for a scream | 23 |
Fay in "King Kong" | 28 |
Fay of "King Kong" | 28 |
Fay, in "King Kong" | 29 |
Faye Dunaway drama of 1981 | 26 |
Faye Dunaway title role | 23 |
Faye role in 1940 movie | 23 |
Fayetteville campus, briefly | 28 |
Félicité, e.g.: Abbr. | 27 |
Fête de la Victoire month | 28 |
Fútbol fan's shout | 25 |
Fútbol stadium chant | 23 |
Führer's contemporary | 28 |
Führer's followers | 25 |
FBI capture of April 1996 | 25 |
FBI employee, slangily | 22 |
FBI evidence, at times | 22 |
FBI facility since 1932 | 23 |
FBI investigator, slangily | 26 |
FBI's govt. division | 24 |
FD&C-certified substances | 29 |
FDA-banned herbal supplement | 28 |
FDIC-backed investments | 23 |
FDR and Truman, fraternally | 27 |
FDR help for home owners | 24 |
FDR Interior Secretary | 22 |
FDR Memorial statue subject | 27 |
FDR opponent in '44 | 23 |
FDR opponent Landon et al. | 26 |
FDR or JFK, politically | 23 |
FDR Supreme Court appointee | 27 |
FDR unemployment easer | 22 |
FDR veep John ___ Garner | 24 |
FDR was seen on it in '39 | 29 |
FDR's boarding school | 25 |
FDR's dam powerful org.? | 28 |
FDR's denomination | 22 |
FDR's Fala was one | 22 |
FDR's Fala, for one | 23 |
FDR's Interior Secretary | 28 |
FDR's running mate | 22 |
FDR's shelter org. | 22 |
FDR's third running mate | 28 |
Fe on the periodic table | 24 |
Fe, on the periodic table | 25 |
Fear and Loathing ___ Vegas | 27 |
Fear of all things animal | 25 |
Fear of Flying author Jong | 29 |
Fear of square root symbols? | 28 |
Feared 5th-century monarch | 26 |
Feared folklore figure | 22 |
Feared wild man of Everest | 26 |
Feared word at a china shop | 27 |
Fearful 1917-20 period | 22 |
Fearful and reverential | 23 |
Fearless Leader underling | 25 |
Fears of some paranoiacs | 24 |
Fearsome Atlantic area | 22 |
Fearsome dinosaur, for short | 28 |
Fearsome fairy tale figure | 26 |
Fearsome figure in Greek myth | 29 |
Fearsome Foursome lineman | 25 |
Fearsome Foursome team | 22 |
Fearsome Greek goddesses | 24 |
Fearsome storybook figure | 25 |
Fearsome Tolkien being | 22 |
Fearsome tropical soldiers | 26 |
Feast attendees, obviously | 26 |
Feast celebrating the Exodus | 28 |
Feast in the month of Nisan | 27 |
Feast of Lights observers | 25 |
Feast of the Unleavened Bread | 29 |
Feast of unleavened bread | 25 |
Feast of ___ (Succoth) | 22 |
Feast of ___, in Chinatown | 26 |
Feast one's eyes on | 23 |
Feast with a roast pig | 22 |
Feasted one's eyes | 22 |
Feasted one's eyes upon | 27 |
Feaster at a formicary | 22 |
Feasts one's eyes on | 24 |
Feasts one's eyes upon | 26 |
Feasts that hold a horse? | 25 |
Feasts with Haggadah readings | 29 |
Feat at the bridge table | 24 |
Feat by Dorothy Hamill | 22 |
Feat for a novice pilot | 23 |
Feat for Scott Hamilton | 23 |
Feat of genetic engineering | 27 |
Feat, the same either way | 25 |
Feather holder of a sort | 24 |
Feather in Juan's cap? | 26 |
Feather in one's cap | 24 |
Feather in one's cap? | 25 |
Feather one's nest | 22 |