Repository | 10 |
Repository for oils | 19 |
Repository of fame? | 19 |
Repository of Greek mythology | 29 |
Repository of riches | 20 |
Repository of sorts | 19 |
Repository: Abbr. | 17 |
Repossession of a sort | 22 |
Repotted herb | 13 |
Repplier product | 16 |
Repplier products | 17 |
Repplier work | 13 |
Reprehend | 9 |
Reprehensible | 13 |
Represent | 9 |
Represent artistically | 22 |
Represent as a saint, say | 25 |
Represent as human | 18 |
Represent as identical | 22 |
Represent as perfect | 20 |
Represent as similar (to) | 25 |
Represent at a costume party | 28 |
Represent by a marking, e.g. | 28 |
Represent by drawing | 20 |
Represent falsely | 17 |
Represent graphically | 21 |
Represent in court | 18 |
Represent in person | 19 |
Represent in words | 18 |
Represent officially | 20 |
Represent on stage | 18 |
Represent on the stage | 22 |
Represent oneself | 17 |
Represent onstage | 17 |
Represent unfairly | 18 |
Represent with a stick figure, say | 34 |
Represent with restraint | 24 |
Represent with symbols | 22 |
Represent, as by a symbol | 25 |
Represent, as in legal matters | 30 |
Represent, in a way | 19 |
Represent, in sports | 20 |
Represent, in spying | 20 |
Represent, sportswise | 21 |
Represent, with "for" | 31 |
Representation | 14 |
Representation for veneration | 29 |
Representation of a budget, often | 33 |
Representation of a cherubic infant | 35 |
Representation of a revered thing | 33 |
Representation of a sort | 24 |
Representation of a state on the U.S. flag | 42 |
Representation of Jesus's sufferings | 40 |
Representation of the human form | 32 |
Representation of tuning fork sounds | 36 |
Representation: Prefix | 22 |
Representational symbol | 23 |
Representations | 15 |
Representations of a winged woman holding an atom | 49 |
Representative | 14 |
Representative (Abbr.) | 22 |
Representative Cantor | 21 |
Representative example | 22 |
Representative for short | 24 |
Representative image | 20 |
Representative location | 23 |
Representative of Hollywood | 27 |
Representative of Osiris | 24 |
Representative part | 19 |
Representative position | 23 |
Representative recording, to a deejay | 37 |
Representative sample | 21 |
Representative specimen | 23 |
Representative symbol | 21 |
Representative who made the first speech on C-SPAN | 50 |
Representative's work | 25 |
Representative: Abbr. | 21 |
Representatives | 15 |
Representatives abroad | 22 |
Representatives from farm states, e.g. | 38 |
Representatives in a foreign country | 36 |
Representatives, at times | 25 |
Representatives: Abbr. | 22 |
Represented | 11 |
Represented symbolically | 24 |
Represented, with "for" | 33 |
Representer of time, often | 26 |
Representer of value | 20 |
Representing | 12 |
Representing (with "on") | 34 |
Representing in drawing | 23 |
Representing things they way they are | 37 |
Represents | 10 |
Represents a flush, say | 23 |
Represents graphically | 22 |
Represents in drawing | 21 |
Represents in drawings | 22 |
Represents oneself (as) | 23 |
Repress | 7 |
Repress in memory | 17 |