What quidnuncs do | 17 |
What Quiet Riot wanted to "Feel"? | 43 |
What quilting farmers do? | 25 |
What Quintilis was renamed in 44 B.C. | 37 |
What quotes may be taken out of? | 32 |
What quoth the raven? | 21 |
What r can mean, in geometry | 28 |
What R. Barr usually gets | 25 |
What R. Kelly claims to "put the R in" | 48 |
What R. Lovelace loved | 22 |
What R.E.M. did at night? | 25 |
What R.E.M. does in place? | 26 |
What R.N.'s provide | 23 |
What R.W.R. became in 1924 | 26 |
What rabbit ears fix | 20 |
What race winners break | 23 |
What Rachael Ray prepares | 25 |
What racing fans cry into? | 26 |
What radiation sources do | 25 |
What radicals go to | 19 |
What Radiohead did on first hit? | 32 |
What rain and paper towels may come in | 38 |
What rain may cause | 19 |
What rain might fall in | 23 |
What raindrops do | 17 |
What raindrops do on a waxed finish | 35 |
What raindrops do on wax | 24 |
What Rainey wielded: 1933–35 | 35 |
What rakes may do | 17 |
What Ramona wore in a 1966 Chuck Berry song | 43 |
What randy bucks do? | 20 |
What Randy Travis will "Pick Up" before he rows | 57 |
What rap MCs rock | 17 |
What rapier-wielding Hamlet cried | 33 |
What rash dieters lose | 22 |
What rash people may have? | 26 |
What rating does the Michelin Guide give to "a very good restaurant"? | 79 |
What Ratt will do "Undercover" | 40 |
What ravers do | 14 |
What ravers don't make | 26 |
What raw talent needs to do | 27 |
What Ray Lewis and Terrell Suggs buckle | 39 |
What Ray Lewis played | 21 |
What real lutefisk is soaked in | 31 |
What really matters | 19 |
What Realtors get intuitively? | 30 |
What rearranging the furniture might improve | 44 |
What reasonable people make | 27 |
What rebels rock | 16 |
What record company does for recording sessions | 47 |
What record company will do for recording sessions | 50 |
What record contracts hinge on | 30 |
What record store does | 22 |
What Red Adair might do in Ionia? | 33 |
What red indicates in litmus tests | 34 |
What red ink indicates | 22 |
What red ink represents | 23 |
What red ink signifies | 22 |
What red ink symbolizes | 23 |
What red means | 14 |
What Red Riding Hood admired | 28 |
What Red Riding Hood wisely didn't do? | 42 |
What reducers weigh | 19 |
What registers record | 21 |
What regretful rocker does on Barbara Walters, with "up" | 66 |
What regular exercise helps maintain | 36 |
What regulars run up | 20 |
What reiki practitioners read | 29 |
What reindeer do | 16 |
What reins connect to | 21 |
What relay anchors do | 21 |
What Relient K told us to "Be" | 40 |
What REM had "New Adventures" in | 42 |
What remained in Pandora's box | 34 |
What remains | 12 |
What remains after all deductions | 33 |
What remains at the end of an object's useful life | 54 |
What remastering will do to sound | 33 |
What René means | 18 |
What renders you immune to the Rockettes' charms? | 53 |
What REO Speedwagon will do "With the Changes" | 56 |
What Repeal was: Abbr. | 22 |
What repeats in solemn hymns but isn't in hymnals? | 54 |
What repellent might prevent | 28 |
What reporter writes on rocker | 30 |
What reporters cover | 20 |
What reporters hope to make | 27 |
What resulted from a levee collapse? | 36 |
What results may do | 19 |
What retailers do | 17 |
What retailers pay | 18 |
What retiring folks might hit | 29 |
What retrievers do | 18 |
What retroviruses contain | 25 |
What reunions try to relive | 27 |
What Rev. Horton Heat told us to eat | 36 |
What reveille causes | 20 |
What revenge-seekers get | 24 |
What revenge-seekers want to get | 32 |
What Revere's pawing horse did: Longfellow | 46 |