Text | Length |
Lame duck sound? | 16 |
Lame duck, often | 16 |
Lame excuses | 12 |
Lame, as a horse | 16 |
Lame, as a joke | 15 |
Lamebrain, in slang | 19 |
Lamebrain, slangily | 19 |
Lamech's wife | 17 |
Lamed follower | 14 |
Lament a loss | 13 |
Lament for the dead | 19 |
Lament for Yorick | 17 |
Lament in verse | 15 |
Lament loudly | 13 |
Lament over a loss | 18 |
Lament to Bo-peep | 17 |
Lament, Irish style | 19 |
Lament, part 2 | 14 |
Lament, part 3 | 14 |
Lament, part 4 | 14 |
Lament: Part 2 | 14 |
Lament: Part 3 | 14 |
Lament: Part II | 15 |
Lament: Part III | 16 |
Lamentable result | 17 |
Lamentations | 12 |
Lamented audibly | 16 |
Lamented loudly | 15 |
Lamenting one | 13 |
Lamenting ones | 14 |
Lamenting poem | 14 |
Lamenting verse | 15 |
Lamenting woefully | 18 |
Laments aloud | 13 |
Laments audibly | 15 |
Laments loudly | 14 |
Laments poetically | 18 |
Laments the loss of | 19 |
Laminar rock | 12 |
Laminaria, for one | 18 |
Laminated layer | 15 |
Laminated rock | 14 |
Laminated rocks | 15 |
Lammas celebrant | 16 |
Lammed for love | 15 |
Lammermoor bride | 16 |
Lammermoor lady | 15 |
Lamon Bay locale | 16 |
Lamont Cranston | 15 |
LaMotta of boxing | 18 |
LaMotta of boxing | 17 |
LaMotta portrayer | 17 |
Lamour attire | 13 |
Lamour outfit | 13 |
Lamour's attire | 19 |
Lamour's wraps | 18 |
Lamp adjunct | 12 |
Lamp attachment | 15 |
Lamp bracket | 12 |
Lamp complement | 15 |
Lamp contents, once | 19 |
Lamp denizen | 12 |
Lamp dweller | 12 |
Lamp dwellers | 13 |
Lamp inhabitant | 15 |
Lamp inserts | 12 |
Lamp lighter | 12 |
Lamp locales | 12 |
Lamp occupant | 13 |
Lamp occupants | 14 |
Lamp oil holder | 15 |
Lamp personage | 14 |
Lamp resident | 13 |
Lamp-cord ending | 16 |
Lamp-lighter | 12 |
Lamp-shade support | 18 |
Lamp-socket insert | 18 |
Lamp-to-plug link | 17 |
Lampblack source | 16 |
Lampoon but good | 16 |
Lampoon specialty | 17 |
Lampooned likeness | 18 |
Lamprey fisherman | 17 |
Lamprey hunter | 14 |
Lamprey look-alikes | 19 |
Lamprey lurers | 14 |
Lamprey or conger | 17 |
Lamprey relatives | 17 |
Lamprey's kin | 17 |
Lamprey, e.g. | 13 |
Lamprey, for one | 16 |
Lamprey-like | 12 |
Lampreys' kin | 17 |
Lampreys, e.g. | 14 |
Lamps of old | 12 |
Lampshade blemish | 17 |
Lampshade supporter | 19 |
Lampshade topper | 16 |
Lampshade wearer | 16 |
Lampware style | 14 |