
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Where "all the people that come and go stop and say hello" 68
Wedding invitation term that means "You may bring a guest" 68
What a goofy, witty waitstaff provides? (Everyone is alive and well) 68
What you should hear in the background as you're solving/playing 68
What a plagiarist might write with someone else's original idea? 68
Where does N.C. rank among U.S. states in Christmas tree production? 68
Word with ''taught'' or ''effacing'' 68
Word missing twice in the Beatles' "___ Said ___ Said" 68
Word with ''drinking'' and ''fight'' 68
Washing machine phase graphically shown in this puzzle's circles 68
With "The," 1958 Hudson/Stack movie about a former WWI ace 68
Where ''Survivor'' Tribal Council meetings are held? 68
William Carlos Williams poem that begins "so much depends" 68
What you might say after your coworker says he's into sex swings 68
Where to find the Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site 68
Word with ''balance'' or ''balloon'' 68
Whom "Dewey Defeats" in a classic Chicago Tribune headline 68
William Gibson play that was made into a 1962 Shirley MacLaine movie 68
West Coast sch. that offers a "Physics of Surfing" seminar 68
Word that goes in both blanks of "___ early and ___ often" 68
What Elmer Fudd said after getting the thing he's always wanted? 68
Word Meg Ryan repeated over a dozen times in Katz's Delicatessen 68
When Hamlet says “The lady doth protest too much, methinks” 67
Word with "press," "double" or "free" 67
Word that can precede either part of each starred clue's answer 67
What the 1939 50,000-word novel "Gadsby" completely lacks 67
Where the Germans sank their own freighter, the Antilla, in W.W. II 67
Words before ''rule'' or ''result'' 67
Word following ''push'' or ''cast'' 67
Words with ''happens'' or ''seems'' 67
Word with ''basket'' or ''federal'' 67
Word with ''ambulance'' or ''beer'' 67
Word with ''wood'' or ''chocolate'' 67
Word for a laugh coined by Lewis Carroll in "Jabberwocky" 67
Word with ''side'' or ''satellite'' 67
Words with ''enter'' or ''disturb'' 67
Word with ''diligence'' or ''date'' 67
Word with ''mark'' or ''splitting'' 67
Word that used to precede "Germany" or "Berlin" 67
Writer of the 1950 Tony-winning play "The Cocktail Party" 67
Word with ''scarlet'' or ''yellow'' 67
Word that can precede the first word of answers to asterisked clues 67
Who wrote "By their own follies they perished, the fools" 67
Word with ''happy'' or ''eleventh'' 67
What 1938's "The War of the Worlds" broadcast set off 67
Word with "circle," "child" or "city" 67
Words you don't expect to hear when you're expecting a call 67
Word with ''setter'' and ''coffee'' 67
Woman who "drank Champagne and danced all night," in song 67
With “The,” Dr. Seuss book featuring the Brown Bar-ba-Loots 67
Word with ''place'' and ''welcome'' 67
Word with ''opened'' or ''married'' 67
What the "poor dog" had in "Old Mother Hubbard" 67
Word with ''hickory'' or ''health'' 67
Work that's been punningly called a "lex icon": Abbr. 67
Words before ''house'' and ''move'' 67
Word with ''fire'' or ''harlequin'' 67
Words between ''man'' and ''mouse'' 67
Words with ''ready'' or ''like it'' 67
Word with ''pressure'' or ''group'' 67
Word with "bar," "player" or "lesson" 67
What Dead Kennedys and Minor Threat were to skaters in the '80s 67
Word with ''road'' or '''roid'' 67
Word with ''birth'' or ''interest'' 67
What Ozzy's "Wicked" didn't get, on '88 album 67
Witherspoon and Wilson's co-star in "How Do You Know" 67
Word with ''Carlos'' or ''Antonio'' 67
Why it's up to you to pick paper or plastic at the supermarket? 67
Whence Gen. McAuliffe replied to the Germans with "NUTS!" 67
What the First Lady's critics did over a bottle of bathtub gin? 67
When "Hot in Cleveland" finishes filming for the day, ___ 67
Winston Churchill's niece (and no, she never went door-to-door) 67
Will Smith's love, for a while, on "The Fresh Prince" 67
What the South African province Free State was called a century ago 67
What the stalker of a certain crossword/pitching star is driven by? 67
Word with "common," "good" or "horse" 67
Words with ''an angle'' or ''ease'' 67
Walter ___, The Clock King portrayer on TV's "Batman" 67
Winter storm occurrences ... and a hint to the theme of this puzzle 67
Word with ''water'' or ''fountain'' 67
Web service with the slogan "All the music, all the time" 67
Word with ''winning'' or ''losing'' 67
Word with ''greater'' or ''rather'' 67
When repeated, derisive term for dubstep's repetitive bass line 67
Who said "Today's gossip is tomorrow's headline"? 67
Words between ''so'' and ''is new'' 67
Word with "head," "tooth" or "heart" 66
When to hear "O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?" 66
When Hamlet delivers the "To be, or not to be" soliloquy 66
When Proctor renounces his confession, in "The Crucible" 66
William Browne poem "___, as Fair as Ever Saw the North" 66
Well of the Souls guardians in "Raiders of the Last Ark" 66
Who lyric "I'll get all my papers and smile ___ sky" 66
Word repeated in "Now ___ away! ___ away! ___ away ...!" 66
Word with ''jagged'' or ''ragged'' 66
Walter Matthau's costar and director in "A New Leaf" 66
Work done by a force of one dyne over a distance of one centimeter 66
Writes ''hiar'' for ''hair,'' e.g. 66
Word with ''black'' or ''private'' 66
Word with ''Four'' or ''analysis'' 66