
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Delightful spots 16
Desirable places 16
Defeat by a hair 16
Double- -- sword 16
Double-___ sword 16
Daring, in a way 16
Database command 16
Do magazine work 16
Do newsroom work 16
Do copydesk work 16
Dame ___ Sitwell 16
Dana and Greeley 16
Does copyreading 16
Dame ___ Everage 16
Dame --- Everage 16
Dead Sea kingdom 16
Detroit disaster 16
Debut of 8/26/57 16
D.C. summer hrs. 16
D.C. summer time 16
Depp-Landau film 16
Diagnostic chart 16
Danger to divers 16
Dragon roll fish 16
Dusk, poetically 16
Donne's dusk 16
Disturbingly odd 16
Digital dispatch 16
Downyflake rival 16
Dairy case dozen 16
Deli preparation 16
Deflatable trait 16
Down from a duck 16
Down in the sea? 16
Down on the bed? 16
Down for pillows 16
Ducks for cover? 16
Draftable, maybe 16
Die Welt article 16
Deutsche article 16
Die Zeit article 16
Dortmund dessert 16
Dik-dik relative 16
Decides one will 16
Dreaded chapter? 16
Diminutive being 16
Designating K-12 16
Drug mogul Lilly 16
Drops a syllable 16
Defeat in a heat 16
DeGeneres sitcom 16
Dallas matron 16
Dutch __ disease 16
Dagwood neighbor 16
Desirable trees? 16
December current 16
Designer Peretti 16
Dairy-case image 16
Ducks and dodges 16
Defraud in a way 16
Display brightly 16
Decorate fancily 16
Developing stage 16
Dais personality 16
Did editing work 16
Displaced person 16
Desert dignitary 16
Dubai or Sharjah 16
Dubai and others 16
Do a part poorly 16
Drain completely 16
Down Under avian 16
Down Under birds 16
Doc. with a ltr. 16
Didn't go on 16
Draws to a close 16
Direction: Abbr. 16
Dueler's cry 16
Diesel invention 16
Diesel and steam 16
Digital computer 16
Dukes spinoff 16
Draw into a trap 16
Dupe into danger 16
Dinner highlight 16
Dining selection 16
Dessert preceder 16
Dinner selection 16
Dining highlight 16
Diplomatic agent 16
Designer Ferrari 16
Dawn horse epoch 16
Dawn personified 16
DDT-banning org. 16
Daily soap dish? 16
Disparaging word 16
Disparaging term 16
Descriptive name 16
Distinctive time 16
Division of time 16