What a handshake may indicate | 29 |
Winter Palace residents, once | 29 |
When doubled, a dangerous fly | 29 |
Where many get into hot water | 29 |
When Mardi Gras is celebrated | 29 |
What Tiny Tim tiptoed through | 29 |
Where Garth Brooks hails from | 29 |
Word before steak or sandwich | 29 |
Whistler's whistle, maybe | 29 |
Whistle blowers' concerns | 29 |
Words with profit or deaf ear | 29 |
Wear for the maître d' | 29 |
What a news anchor looks into | 29 |
Wrote with limited characters | 29 |
Word in a sequel title, often | 29 |
Words for a homer with one on | 29 |
Winter Palace resident (Var.) | 29 |
Widmark's first film role | 29 |
Word for Sondheim's Fosca | 29 |
Worrisome remark by a surgeon | 29 |
What a lei person might pick? | 29 |
Wahines' strings, briefly | 29 |
Where there's nothing new | 29 |
Water nymph with a fatal kiss | 29 |
Where an Aussie gets a degree | 29 |
Word with military or heating | 29 |
Word left behind by the Lorax | 29 |
What roadie will do, pre-show | 29 |
Waiting for the maitre d' | 29 |
Word that may precede others? | 29 |
Word on all modern U.S. coins | 29 |
Website with an Odd News page | 29 |
Where you might've had it | 29 |
Word before renewal or sprawl | 29 |
Word with renewal or district | 29 |
Word with blight or guerrilla | 29 |
Word before legend or renewal | 29 |
William Tell's birthplace | 29 |
What to see in your Chevrolet | 29 |
Words always preceding a date | 29 |
Warped Tour/Ozzfest Utah boys | 29 |
Word with interface or option | 29 |
What manipulative rocker does | 29 |
Women who walk down the aisle | 29 |
West Point counterpart: Abbr. | 29 |
World power until 1991: Abbr. | 29 |
Where I-15 and I-80 intersect | 29 |
Western Athletics footballers | 29 |
What gives irises their color | 29 |
Weapon that uses up ammo fast | 29 |
Weapon first designed in 1950 | 29 |
Where to buy dressing tables? | 29 |
Where you may get a good deal | 29 |
Win in a long winning streak? | 29 |
Where Lippizaners are trained | 29 |
Where greedy folks crave dong | 29 |
What a driven person may have | 29 |
Word with statistics or signs | 29 |
What internet trolls may spew | 29 |
Wanted: outspoken team leader | 29 |
Word at an unveiling, perhaps | 29 |
With light rapidity, in music | 29 |
Words from a South Seas movie | 29 |
Word before Bismarck or Braun | 29 |
W.W. II-era female in uniform | 29 |
Wave's flying counterpart | 29 |
When doubled, a guitar effect | 29 |
What a vertical palm may mean | 29 |
When repeated, a Western city | 29 |
Washington county or its seat | 29 |
Word with buffalo or chestnut | 29 |
Warning about wind chill, say | 29 |
Where Charlotte can be found? | 29 |
Word after "I thee" | 29 |
Worker's respite, usually | 29 |
What Carroll's walrus did | 29 |
Word from the hard-of-hearing | 29 |
Words said with a double take | 29 |
Word after two, three or four | 29 |
With wood, Alberta com-munity | 29 |
When many shovels may be seen | 29 |
Worker who makes connections? | 29 |
What to expect from comedians | 29 |
Windows audio data compressor | 29 |
Wearer of a red-starred tiara | 29 |
World's most common names | 29 |
Winner of the first FedEx Cup | 29 |
Where you might find the time | 29 |
What an intersection may have | 29 |
Wolverine, Cyclops and others | 29 |
Word used for things left out | 29 |
When thrice spoken, et cetera | 29 |
Wobble of a missile in flight | 29 |
Word accompanying a fist pump | 29 |
Wine taster's guesstimate | 29 |
Wine industry reference point | 29 |
What's missing from matzo | 29 |
Words before 'shoppe' | 29 |
Waits for, at an intersection | 29 |
Who's solving this puzzle | 29 |