
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Only U.S. state in which the name of the state and its capital share no letters: Abbr. 86
Only U.S. senator with a unit of measure named after him 56
Only U.S. president with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame 61
Only U.S. president to have three veeps 39
Only U.S. president to have his portrait on a coin during his lifetime 70
Only U.S. president born in Hawaii 34
Only U.S. pres. to resign 25
Only U.N. member whose flag is not rectangular 46
Only two U.S. states, Wash. and Cal., are entirely within this zone 67
Only two alphabet letters have them 35
Only tree in the Monty Python sketch "How to recognise different types of trees from quite a long way away" 117
Only three-time Super Bowl MVP 30
Only three-time inductee to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 58
Only three-letter element 25
Only this, and nothing else 27
Only things Noah could afford to take? 38
Only thing that should be on a pitcher's mind? 50
Only thing guitarists use w/their feet 38
Only thing between you and an open window? 42
Only theoretical 16
Only their queens survive winter 32
Only the biggest one is at every show 37
Only the best rockers could also sing this 42
Only tennis player who has won all four Grand Slam titles at least four times each 82
Only team besides the Yankees to win three consecutive World Series 67
Only tavern in Springfield 26
Only surname shared by two different Best Actress Oscar winners 63
Only supplier 13
Only Super Bowl won by the New York Jets 40
Only Super Bowl won by the Jets 31
Only Stratego piece with a letter on it 39
Only Stratego piece that can take a marshal 43
Only Steffi has spent more weeks as the #1 tennis player than her 65
Only state with two Ivy League schools 38
Only state with homonyms 24
Only state with a three-word capital 36
Only state that borders six states and Canada 45
Only state never under a foreign flag 37
Only state capital written with a period 40
Only state bordered by just one other 37
Only state admitted under Grant's presidency: Abbr. 55
Only starting pitcher since 1971 to win a league M.V.P. award 61
Only sport where the entire body is a legal target area 55
Only speaking female in Pooh books 34
Only South Dakota-born VP 25
Only South American nation whose official language is English 61
Only song on Rolling Stone's "500 Greatest Songs of All Time" list that is not sung in English 108
Only son of Czar Nicholas II 28
Only solo artist to win back-to-back Record of the Year Grammys 63
Only soccer player who can throw the ball 41
Only so-so 10
Only so-called "Decade Volcano" in the continental U.S. 65
Only so far 11
Only slightly 13
Only Semitic language that's an official language of the European Union 75
Only Secretary of Defense to be asked to remain in office by a newly elected President 86
Only sch. to win both the menÂ’s and womenÂ’s N.C.A.A. basketball titles in the same year 95
Only same-year N.C.A.A. and N.I.T. tourney winner (1950) 56
Only Rose, Aaron, Musial, Mays, Bonds, and Yount have played more National League games than him 96
Only republic on the Arabian Peninsula 38
Only remaining heater? 22
Only remaining 14
Only reigning pope to write an autobiography 44
Only recipient of a degree in enigmatology 42
Only reason to watch the Super Bowl, some say 45
Only QB to start five Super Bowls 33
Only proper noun in the Beatles' "Revolution" 59
Only private non-American to address a joint session of Congress (1989) 71
Only president who'd been wounded in the Civil War 54
Only president who was selected by a congressional commission 61
Only president who was also chief justice 41
Only president to win a Pulitzer 32
Only President to sit on the Supreme Court 42
Only president to graduate from Columbia University 51
Only president other than LBJ born in Texas 43
Only president for two nonconsecutive terms 43
Only president born in New Hampshire 36
Only president born in Hawaii 29
Only president besides Washington to run unopposed 50
Only pres. born in Missouri 27
Only positive integer that's neither prime nor composite 60
Only pope from England 22
Only player to win Wimbledon without dropping a set 51
Only player to win Wimbledon as a wild card 43
Only player to win the World Series MVP without playing the field 65
Only player to win an MVP in the ABA and NBA 44
Only player to hit an inside-the-park home run in the All-Star Game 67
Only player to hit 60 home runs in a season three times 55
Only player to have back-to-back 50 point games in the NBA playoffs 67
Only player to ever sink an ace in a Skins Game 47
Only player to be part of three World Cup-winning teams 55
Only player to be a part of three World Cup-winning teams 57
Only player to appear in both the Super Bowl and World Series 61
Only player other than Sheffield to make the All-Star team with five different clubs 84
Only player named MVP in the ABA and NBA 40
Only planet with exactly one moon 33
Only planet not named for a god 31
Only place where some ideas look good 37
Only place on Earth where crocodiles and alligators co-exist 60
Only pitcher to win the deciding games of the ALCS, ALDS and World Series in the same year 90