Where to find your congressman | 30 |
What Musial wore on his jersey | 30 |
What dentists call tooth decay | 30 |
Where to see the latest models | 30 |
Welfare office employees, e.g. | 30 |
What to wear on dress-down day | 30 |
Where to see Colts and Broncos | 30 |
Where to find an "F" | 30 |
White compound used in pottery | 30 |
Where Attila was defeated, 451 | 30 |
Westernmost county in New York | 30 |
With a smile on one's face | 30 |
What fall traditionally brings | 30 |
When the fireplace is fired up | 30 |
Where Broncos get broken down? | 30 |
Winy Shakespeare contemporary? | 30 |
Words before fame or after lay | 30 |
Worked in a judge's office | 30 |
What a good drink holder does? | 30 |
Woman's semiformal garment | 30 |
What you pop on some pop tops? | 30 |
Wintry tale by Stella Gibbons? | 30 |
Why scholars need more dollars | 30 |
Watergate scandal figure Chuck | 30 |
Word defined by the definition | 30 |
Where whips can be seen: Abbr. | 30 |
Where plastic surgery is done? | 30 |
What St. P. also did, they say | 30 |
Where Willie MAYs is enshrined | 30 |
Witches' pots, pans, etc.? | 30 |
What a ninja may operate under | 30 |
Where many prints may be found | 30 |
Went from one side to another? | 30 |
Way to fix problems on your PC | 30 |
What Desi used to sing to Lucy | 30 |
Writer of many piano exercises | 30 |
World Economic Forum host city | 30 |
Without concern for the future | 30 |
Where the current is very slow | 30 |
Will writer, at a will reading | 30 |
What neophytes show to experts | 30 |
Work on theater seats, perhaps | 30 |
Withholds, with "of" | 30 |
Words of encouragement, part 2 | 30 |
Words for Pauline's plight | 30 |
What obsolete things fall into | 30 |
Word on Gefurtney wine barrels | 30 |
Where to see George Washington | 30 |
What an ass declares in cards? | 30 |
Words of caution from Rodolfo? | 30 |
Where headroom may be an issue | 30 |
With Andrea, an ill-fated ship | 30 |
What a widow stands to inherit | 30 |
Winged black-and-white driller | 30 |
Wears all black to look broody | 30 |
Where a star prepares to shine | 30 |
What a dentist does, sometimes | 30 |
What St. Patrick did, they say | 30 |
Went from second to first, say | 30 |
Waters between Korea and Japan | 30 |
Where mates are commonly found | 30 |
What a hamster wheel requires? | 30 |
What sputtering might indicate | 30 |
What the e-lumberyard offered? | 30 |
Writer Gardner's namesakes | 30 |
What Brits call station wagons | 30 |
Wager that could go either way | 30 |
Where a camera is usually held | 30 |
What the contest entrants had? | 30 |
Where a beautiful woman swims? | 30 |
What a great sculpture may be? | 30 |
Wisconsin senator's rings? | 30 |
Where farm workers take a dip? | 30 |
Where social graces are taught | 30 |
Woolworth's, way back when | 30 |
When many people are off work? | 30 |
Woes of an itchy, twitchy dog? | 30 |
With frost, a garden favourite | 30 |
Where a fouled player might go | 30 |
Wagner's short-order cook? | 30 |
Where chocolate candy is made? | 30 |
Wall Street figure seeing red? | 30 |
Wrinkle, as one's forehead | 30 |
What the recently engaged make | 30 |
Where to get discount flowers? | 30 |
Without anesthesia, as surgery | 30 |
Word in a Passover fish recipe | 30 |
Woodworker's double boiler | 30 |
What you might do at the beach | 30 |
Worst Actor winner's prize | 30 |
Writing that lacks objectivity | 30 |
Warmhearted fellow, informally | 30 |
WARNING: Cutting tool required | 30 |
Was victim to some rightsizing | 30 |
Woke up and smelled the coffee | 30 |
Worrier's legacy, some say | 30 |
What a genius in the U.K. has? | 30 |
Word that precedes a sentence? | 30 |
White-collar criminal of sorts | 30 |
Whistle from the curb, perhaps | 30 |