Govt. old-age insurer | 21 |
Govt. official | 14 |
Govt. office supplier | 21 |
Govt. obligation | 16 |
Govt. notes | 11 |
Govt. note issuer | 17 |
Govt. note | 10 |
Govt. nos. | 10 |
Govt. news bureau | 17 |
Govt. news agency | 17 |
Govt. narcotics watchdog | 24 |
Govt. mtge. insurer | 19 |
Govt. mortgage source | 21 |
Govt. mortgage provider | 23 |
Govt. mortgage lender | 21 |
Govt. mortgage insurer | 22 |
Govt. mortgage agency | 21 |
Govt. mortgage agcy. | 20 |
Govt. money overseer: Abbr. | 27 |
Govt. money insurer | 19 |
Govt. money guarantor | 21 |
Govt. money dispenser since 1946 | 32 |
Govt. medical research org. | 27 |
Govt. medical agency | 20 |
Govt. medical agcy. | 19 |
Govt. mediation group | 21 |
Govt. media watchdog | 20 |
Govt. media regulator | 21 |
Govt. media monitor | 19 |
Govt. meat-stamping org. | 24 |
Govt. maritime gp. | 18 |
Govt. man | 9 |
Govt. loan source | 17 |
Govt. loan org. | 15 |
Govt. loan insurer | 18 |
Govt. loan agency | 17 |
Govt. loan agcy. | 16 |
Govt. lending agcy. | 19 |
Govt. lenders | 13 |
Govt. lender | 12 |
Govt. lawyers | 13 |
Govt. jobs prog. estab. in 1973 | 31 |
Govt. job-training prog. | 24 |
Govt. job-safety gp. | 20 |
Govt. jet set? | 14 |
Govt. issued ID | 15 |
Govt. issue that matures in 1-10 years | 38 |
Govt. issue | 11 |
Govt. issuance | 14 |
Govt. IOU | 9 |
Govt. investments | 17 |
Govt. investment option | 23 |
Govt. investigators | 19 |
Govt. investigator | 18 |
Govt. investigative org. | 24 |
Govt. investigation grp. | 24 |
Govt. investigation | 19 |
Govt. intelligence org. | 23 |
Govt. intelligence gp. | 22 |
Govt. intel org. | 16 |
Govt. intake suggestions | 24 |
Govt. insurer of seniors | 24 |
Govt. instrument | 16 |
Govt. inspectors | 16 |
Govt. initiative | 16 |
Govt. information arm abroad | 28 |
Govt. info agency | 17 |
Govt. ID issuer | 15 |
Govt. ID | 8 |
Govt. hush-hush org. | 20 |
Govt. hush-hush group | 21 |
Govt. hush-hush gp. | 19 |
Govt. homebuilding agency | 25 |
Govt. home-building org. | 24 |
Govt. home loan gp. | 19 |
Govt. help for mom-and-pop stores | 33 |
Govt. health watchdogs | 22 |
Govt. health watchdog | 21 |
Govt. health org. | 17 |
Govt. headed by Jefferson Davis | 31 |
Govt. headed by Davis | 21 |
Govt. guarantor that protects your bank accounts | 48 |
Govt. grp. with a CryptoChallenge iPhone app | 44 |
Govt. grp. whose HQ is named after the 41st president | 53 |
Govt. group with the CryptoChallenge game app | 45 |
Govt. group with a Director | 27 |
Govt. group since 1933 | 22 |
Govt. group for mathematicians | 30 |
Govt. group for farming | 23 |
Govt. group first called the Laboratory of Hygiene | 50 |
Govt. group | 11 |
Govt. grant giver | 17 |
Govt. gangbusters | 17 |
Govt. funds for the disabled | 28 |
Govt. founded in 1861 | 21 |
Govt. formed in Montgomery | 26 |
Govt. food inspector | 20 |
Govt. food grader | 17 |
Govt. flu-fighting org. | 23 |
Govt. flight regulator | 22 |