Sommer of ''The Treasure Seekers'' | 50 |
School near North Carolina's Research Triangle | 50 |
She's buried in Kenya's Meru National Park | 50 |
Sundays "Here's Where the Story ___" | 50 |
Suffix with "ethyl" or "butyl" | 50 |
Subject of the 2003 book "Power Failure" | 50 |
Site of the second leg of the English Triple Crown | 50 |
Stat that's given to the hundredth's place | 50 |
Stat for a pitcher that's better low than high | 50 |
Sevareid who wrote "Not So Wild a Dream" | 50 |
Susan Lucci's "All My Children" role | 50 |
Scott's "Joanie Loves Chachi" costar | 50 |
Surrealist who painted "Forest and Dove" | 50 |
Strong nickname for Beethoven's Third Symphony | 50 |
Shortcut key for "stop" in a Web browser | 50 |
Suffix with "Japan" or "Sudan" | 50 |
Suffix with "host" or "priest" | 50 |
Suffix with "priest" or "lion" | 50 |
Suffix with "lion" or "priest" | 50 |
Street two blocks south of St. Marks Pl. in N.Y.C. | 50 |
Suffix after "diet" or "synth" | 50 |
Suffix with "sermon" or "room" | 50 |
Saudi king who was Time's 1974 Man of the Year | 50 |
Section to read before checking the message boards | 50 |
Subj. of a three-volume Arthur Schlesinger history | 50 |
State with the lowest high point (345 feet): Abbr. | 50 |
Susan's "Thelma & Louise" costar | 50 |
She played Thelma in "Thelma and Louise" | 50 |
Subatomic particle thought to bind quarks together | 50 |
Suffix with "opera" or "party" | 50 |
Suffix with "opera" or "movie" | 50 |
Suffix with "hexa-" or "deca-" | 50 |
Star of 1941, 1946, 1955, and 1959 Hitchcock films | 50 |
Solzhenitsyn's "The ___ Archipelago" | 50 |
Something Spooner might have "flung out" | 50 |
Seat of the Dutch government, with "The" | 50 |
State capital that means "sheltered bay" | 50 |
Shenzi, Banzai or Ed, in "The Lion King" | 50 |
Swimmer Thorpe (known as the "Thorpedo") | 50 |
Start of a George Washington "non-quote" | 50 |
She's ''sweet as apple cider'' | 50 |
St. whose northernmost division is Boundary County | 50 |
State that's home to the Nez Perce Reservation | 50 |
Smetana's "String Quartet ___ minor" | 50 |
Start for "structure" or "red" | 50 |
Suffix with "super" or "infer" | 50 |
Subj. of the book "Many Unhappy Returns" | 50 |
Suffix with "real" or "manner" | 50 |
Suffix with "ideal" or "organ" | 50 |
Suffix with "lobby" or "ideal" | 50 |
Song from the Beatles' "White Album" | 50 |
She played Niles's wife on "Frasier" | 50 |
Sudeikis or Bateman of "Horrible Bosses" | 50 |
Singer Feliciano who appeared in "Fargo" | 50 |
Small racer that makes kids ''go'' | 50 |
Service org. founded by Father Michael J. McGivney | 50 |
Setting for ''Young Frankenstein'' | 50 |
Sounds from someone who's forgotten the lyrics | 50 |
Series that replaced "Hill Street Blues" | 50 |
School paper a student shouldn't write himself | 50 |
Sunshine Cab Company driver played by Andy Kaufman | 50 |
Soprano Jenny, the "Swedish Nightingale" | 50 |
Soprano in Bellini's "La Sonnambula" | 50 |
Singer/songerwriter Lisa that did "Stay" | 50 |
Sellers’s foil in “Pink Panther” films | 50 |
Sch. where "Geaux Tigers" signs are seen | 50 |
She served eight days in jail for public obscenity | 50 |
Second word of "Blowin' in the Wind" | 50 |
Soccer-playing better half of baseball's Nomar | 50 |
Site of Leonardo's "The Last Supper" | 50 |
Single for Frank Sinatra in 1969 and Usher in 1998 | 50 |
Styron's "Confessions of ___ Turner" | 50 |
Screenwriter Jordan of "The Crying Game" | 50 |
Surname of U.S. senators from Florida and Nebraska | 50 |
Super Bowl winner more than 50% of the time: Abbr. | 50 |
Singer with The Velvet Underground in the '60s | 50 |
Sartre's "Hell is other people" play | 50 |
Senator who wrote "The Audacity of Hope" | 50 |
Schoenberg: "___ to Napoleon Buonaparte" | 50 |
Scarlett of ''Gone With the Wind'' | 50 |
Sherwood Anderson's "Winesburg, ___" | 50 |
Side dish that might accompany chicken-fried steak | 50 |
Spencer Tracy flick (with ''The'') | 50 |
Song from the 1977 reggae album "Exodus" | 50 |
Simple bridge bid (with ''trump'') | 50 |
Sound spelled out in a 1962 Edward Ruscha painting | 50 |
Smetana's "The Bartered Bride," e.g. | 50 |
State where a famous historical trail ended: Abbr. | 50 |
Settings for some "Coma" scenes, briefly | 50 |
Suffix with "covet" or "venom" | 50 |
Spanish port from which Columbus first sailed west | 50 |
Stendhal's "The Charterhouse of ___" | 50 |
Subject of the biography "Road to Peace" | 50 |
Suffix after "xeno" or "germo" | 50 |
Sondheim's "The Worst ___ in London" | 50 |
Stiller's wife in "Meet the Fockers" | 50 |
Sidewalk amusement (with ''show'') | 50 |
Star of the ''Rear Window'' remake | 50 |
Swingin' Utters: "Nothing to ___ On" | 50 |
She portrayed Emily Jenkins in "Case 39" | 50 |