Supernova remnant in the constellation Taurus | 45 |
Supernova remnants | 18 |
Supernumeraries | 15 |
Supernumerary | 13 |
Supernumerary props | 19 |
Supernumerary's holding | 27 |
Supernumerary's weapon | 26 |
Superplane | 10 |
Superplanes | 11 |
Superposable | 12 |
Superpower | 10 |
Superpower all about transparency | 33 |
Superpower in "1984" | 30 |
Superpower inits. | 17 |
Superpower that dissolved in the 1990s | 38 |
Superpower that left the map in the 1990s | 41 |
Superpower that split up | 24 |
Superpower until 1991 | 21 |
Superpower with which Clark Kent shaves himself | 47 |
Superpower's initials | 25 |
Superpower's letters | 24 |
Superpowers often have them | 27 |
Superpowers' weapons escalation | 35 |
Superprecise, as some clocks | 28 |
Superquiet, musically | 21 |
Superrealist sculptor Hanson | 28 |
Supers oversee them: Abbr. | 26 |
Supers' openers | 19 |
Superscript number in math: Abbr. | 33 |
Superscript number: Abbr. | 25 |
Supersecret org. | 16 |
Supersecretive government org. | 30 |
Supersecretive intelligence org. | 32 |
Supersecure airline | 19 |
Supersede | 9 |
Superseded | 10 |
Supersedes | 10 |
Superserious | 12 |
Supersharp knife | 16 |
Supersize | 9 |
Supersize house? | 16 |
Supersize order | 15 |
Supersize, say | 14 |
Supersized | 10 |
Supersized clip joint in the Big Apple? | 39 |
Supersized coffee pot | 21 |
Supersized marathon? | 20 |
Supersized movie screen format | 30 |
Supersized pot | 14 |
Supersized quarters | 19 |
Supersized sandwich | 19 |
Supersized shoe spec | 20 |
Supersized slaw serving? | 24 |
Supersized square meal for Seabiscuit? | 38 |
Supersized sweet treat | 22 |
Superskillful sort | 18 |
Superskinny | 11 |
Supersleuth | 11 |
Supersleuth with a nimber one son | 33 |
Superslim | 9 |
Supersmart grp. | 15 |
Supersoft mineral | 17 |
Supersonic engines | 18 |
Supersonic fighter plane | 24 |
Supersonic number | 17 |
Supersonic pilot Chuck | 22 |
Supersonic planes | 17 |
Supersonic planes, briefly | 26 |
Supersonic propulsion source | 28 |
Supersonic rocket | 17 |
Supersonic speed unit | 21 |
Supersonic speed word | 21 |
Supersonic threshold | 20 |
Supersonic unit | 15 |
Supersonic, to percussion | 25 |
SuperSonics' turf | 21 |
Superstar | 9 |
Superstar assembly | 18 |
Superstar born Dec. 12, 1915 | 28 |
Superstar British crooner of the 1930s | 38 |
Superstar entertainer of the '20s | 37 |
Superstar Howe | 14 |
Superstar of early TV | 21 |
Superstar search show, to fans | 30 |
Superstar Streisand | 19 |
Superstar Suzuki | 16 |
Superstar Yankee, familiarly | 28 |
Superstar's radiance | 24 |
Superstars | 10 |
Superstars walk around with them | 32 |
Superstars, e.g. | 16 |
Superstars, to fans | 19 |
Superstars, to their fans | 25 |
Superstate in Orwell's "1984" | 43 |
Superstate of "1984" | 30 |
SuperStation initials | 21 |
SuperStation inits. | 19 |
Superstation letters | 20 |
Superstation mogul Turner | 25 |
Superstition (with "old") | 35 |