Senators Cranston and Simpson | 29 |
Senators Bunning, DeMint, Risch, and Webb | 41 |
Senators and such | 17 |
Senators and representatives, for short | 39 |
Senatorial wraps | 16 |
Senatorial vote | 15 |
Senatorial thumbs-up | 20 |
Senatorial support | 18 |
Senatorial staffers | 19 |
Senatorial speed-up | 19 |
Senatorial Specter | 18 |
Senatorial robe, once | 21 |
Senatorial robe | 15 |
Senatorial holding | 18 |
Senatorial garb | 15 |
Senatorial assistant | 20 |
Senatorial assent | 17 |
Senatorial agreements | 21 |
Senatorial affirmative | 22 |
Senator/campaigner Joe from Delaware | 36 |
Senator/astronaut, 1985 | 23 |
Senator-___ | 11 |
Senator-astronaut Garn | 22 |
Senator-astronaut | 17 |
Senator, perhaps | 16 |
Senator, often: Abbr. | 21 |
Senator, for one | 16 |
Senator, e.g., for short | 24 |
Senator, e.g. | 13 |
Senator's young helper | 26 |
Senator's vote | 18 |
Senator's U.S. constituency | 31 |
Senator's spot | 18 |
Senator's sphere | 20 |
Senator's six years, say | 28 |
Senator's six years | 23 |
Senator's rival | 19 |
Senator's refusal | 21 |
Senator's possession | 24 |
Senator's pickup line? | 26 |
Senator's org. | 18 |
Senator's O.K. | 18 |
Senator's minimum age | 25 |
Senator's locale | 20 |
Senator's home | 18 |
Senator's garb | 18 |
Senator's constituency | 26 |
Senator's claim | 19 |
Senator's attendant | 23 |
Senator's assistant | 23 |
Senator's assent | 20 |
Senator's adjective for a colleague | 39 |
Senator's "Yes" | 29 |
Senator ___ Bailey Hutchison | 28 |
Senator William of Va. | 22 |
Senator who wrote "The Audacity of Hope" | 50 |
Senator who wrote "Herding Cats: A Life in Politics" | 62 |
Senator who wrote "Dreams From My Father" | 51 |
Senator who told Quayle "you're no Jack Kennedy" | 62 |
Senator who succeeded John Stennis | 34 |
Senator who served on the USS Gridley | 37 |
Senator who served alongside Cochran for more than three terms | 62 |
Senator who made the rounds? | 28 |
Senator who made the rounds | 27 |
Senator who isn't a strict schoolteacher | 44 |
Senator who gave Golden Fleece awards | 37 |
Senator Weicker | 15 |
Senator Voinovich's state | 29 |
Senator Vinick's first name on "The West Wing" | 60 |
Senator Trent | 13 |
Senator Tom who wants to stage another constitutional convention | 64 |
Senator Thurmond who left office at age 100 | 43 |
Senator Thurmond | 16 |
Senator that gave his name to a federal aid grant | 49 |
Senator supporter | 17 |
Senator succeeded by Lindsey | 28 |
Senator succeeded by Cleland | 28 |
Senator Strom | 13 |
Senator Stevenson | 17 |
Senator Specter of Pennsylvania | 31 |
Senator Specter | 15 |
Senator Snowe's state | 25 |
Senator since 1989 | 18 |
Senator Simpson | 15 |
Senator Scott from South Carolina | 33 |
Senator Schumer's predecessor | 33 |
Senator Sanders of Vt., on ballots | 34 |
Senator Sam, of Watergate fame | 30 |
Senator Sam who investigated Watergate | 38 |
Senator Sam of Watergate fame | 29 |
Senator Sam of Watergate | 24 |
Senator Sam of the Watergate hearings | 37 |
Senator Sam of Georgia | 22 |
Senator Sam from Georgia | 24 |
Senator Sam | 11 |
Senator Rubio | 13 |
Senator Roth creation | 21 |
Senator Reid's state | 24 |
Senator portrayer in "The West Wing" and "The Aviator" | 74 |
Senator Phil who co-authored a budget act | 41 |