Text | Length |
Elongated fishes | 16 |
Even, to Emerson | 16 |
Ever, poetically | 16 |
Ever, to Emerson | 16 |
Election closer? | 16 |
Eternally poetic | 16 |
Ending like -ist | 16 |
Election ending? | 16 |
Even more spooky | 16 |
Eric, in Finland | 16 |
Either Zimbalist | 16 |
Equal, in France | 16 |
Equal, in French | 16 |
Even, to Jacques | 16 |
Equal, to Pierre | 16 |
Equal, in Cannes | 16 |
Exude; discharge | 16 |
Everyone has one | 16 |
Extreme bovarism | 16 |
Everglades wader | 16 |
Everglades birds | 16 |
Emergency button | 16 |
Emergency device | 16 |
Ethiopian grazer | 16 |
Easily stretched | 16 |
Exile's isle | 16 |
Energy of a sort | 16 |
Experienced ones | 16 |
Ecole inhabitant | 16 |
Eleven, in Essen | 16 |
Elm City student | 16 |
English essayist | 16 |
Essayist of yore | 16 |
English pen name | 16 |
Exclusive groups | 16 |
Elongated circle | 16 |
Elsie's bull | 16 |
Endangered trees | 16 |
Emulated Jessica | 16 |
Ernie of the PGA | 16 |
Ernie on a green | 16 |
Ernie of birdies | 16 |
End of a warning | 16 |
Elmer's mate | 16 |
Escape detection | 16 |
Escapes artfully | 16 |
Early Tarzan Ron | 16 |
Enclose securely | 16 |
Encloses tightly | 16 |
Early life forms | 16 |
Edit critically | 16 |
E.R. part: Abbr. | 16 |
Einstein was one | 16 |
Estevez or Pucci | 16 |
Eastern position | 16 |
Eastern chieftan | 16 |
Educator Willard | 16 |
Express unsubtly | 16 |
Expressive actor | 16 |
Eugénie, e.g. | 16 |
E on a gas gauge | 16 |
Exotic farm bird | 16 |
Exotic farm-bird | 16 |
Earthbound avian | 16 |
Exotic emollient | 16 |
Earthbound birds | 16 |
Establish as law | 16 |
Establish by law | 16 |
Ending for exist | 16 |
Ending for defer | 16 |
Exterior lineman | 16 |
Expose to injury | 16 |
Eleven positions | 16 |
Ending for ethyl | 16 |
Ending for butyl | 16 |
Energy converter | 16 |
Employee on a RR | 16 |
Elevates in rank | 16 |
Enough, in poesy | 16 |
Enough (archaic) | 16 |
Establish firmly | 16 |
Existing: Suffix | 16 |
Embryonic system | 16 |
Excited: Colloq. | 16 |
End of a ballade | 16 |
Early stone tool | 16 |
Extensive period | 16 |
Energy Star org. | 16 |
Ecological agcy. | 16 |
Earth Watch etc. | 16 |
Event on a piste | 16 |
Electric weapons | 16 |
Era's advent | 16 |
Earth-shattering | 16 |
Eminent interval | 16 |
Extended periods | 16 |
Eventful periods | 16 |
Epochal segments | 16 |
Eon subdivisions | 16 |
Eon constituents | 16 |