Text | Length |
Under-the-sink joints | 21 |
Upstate New York city | 21 |
Unpredictable current | 21 |
U.S. Open champ Ernie | 21 |
Urban-legend spreader | 21 |
University in Atlanta | 21 |
User of defib paddles | 21 |
Uncontrolled outbreak | 21 |
Unit of geologic time | 21 |
Unit in history class | 21 |
Use the backspace key | 21 |
Use the unleaded part | 21 |
Up to, to a versifier | 21 |
Up to this time, once | 21 |
Uneven, as leaf edges | 21 |
Unscripted utterances | 21 |
Upper-left key, often | 21 |
Upper-left laptop key | 21 |
Unusual gift of sight | 21 |
Uncanny talent: Abbr. | 21 |
Useful info at Dulles | 21 |
Unnamed others: Abbr. | 21 |
Use acid artistically | 21 |
Upper region of space | 21 |
Upper places in space | 21 |
Uppity English school | 21 |
UFO pilots, in theory | 21 |
Un-PC suffix, to many | 21 |
Until the end of time | 21 |
Unit of ocular relief | 21 |
U.S. airspace monitor | 21 |
Understand thoroughly | 21 |
U.S. health protector | 21 |
U.S. drug safety org. | 21 |
U.K. black metal band | 21 |
Upscale handbag maker | 21 |
Unhealthy temperature | 21 |
Use an emery board on | 21 |
Underwater propeller? | 21 |
United Nations wavers | 21 |
Untwisted silk fibers | 21 |
Use a crowbar on, say | 21 |
Unnatural performance | 21 |
U. of Ga. group, e.g. | 21 |
Uneasy (with tension) | 21 |
Unravels at the edges | 21 |
Unconventional person | 21 |
Up day on Wall Street | 21 |
Units of acceleration | 21 |
Ugly-faced waterspout | 21 |
U. of Florida athlete | 21 |
Unit of magnetic flux | 21 |
UK nation, in Beijing | 21 |
Used to color a light | 21 |
U.S.M.C. V.I.P.'s | 21 |
U. S. economist Henry | 21 |
Understand, as a joke | 21 |
Understands the humor | 21 |
Understands, as humor | 21 |
Understands the issue | 21 |
U.S.O. show attendees | 21 |
Unit of whipped cream | 21 |
Unappetizing ladleful | 21 |
U.F.O. feature, maybe | 21 |
U. S. output initials | 21 |
Understood, as a joke | 21 |
Univ. transcript stat | 21 |
Uniform color of 1861 | 21 |
U.S. property manager | 21 |
U.S. Island territory | 21 |
Unwilling to say much | 21 |
Unlikely Tony winners | 21 |
Use one of the senses | 21 |
Usually black vehicle | 21 |
U.S. editor-publisher | 21 |
Unbearable experience | 21 |
Up on things, daddy-o | 21 |
Usher in with fanfare | 21 |
Umbrette's cousin | 21 |
Uttar Pradesh denizen | 21 |
Unexpected difficulty | 21 |
Unicorn feature, e.g. | 21 |
Unicorn's feature | 21 |
Unicorn feature e.g. | 21 |
Usual TV drama length | 21 |
Uncle Tom's cabin | 21 |
U.S. military chopper | 21 |
Use hard-sell tactics | 21 |
Uncontrolled outburst | 21 |
U.S. regulatory board | 21 |
U.S. regulatory agcy. | 21 |
U. S. regulatory org. | 21 |
User-friendly picture | 21 |
U.S. state since 1890 | 21 |
Uganda's ___ Amin | 21 |
Ugandan dictator Amin | 21 |
Union-starting phrase | 21 |
Unpredictable factors | 21 |
Unenthusiastic assent | 21 |
Uncertain concurrence | 21 |