Former five-franc coin | 22 |
Former flautist for Genesis | 27 |
Former flavor of Life Savers | 28 |
Former flier at 55,000 feet | 27 |
Former flier to J.F.K. | 22 |
Former flier, for short | 23 |
Former fliers from JFK to LHR | 29 |
Former Florentine money | 23 |
Former Florida governor Bush | 28 |
Former Flyers star Lindros | 26 |
Former flyweight champ | 22 |
Former food label abbr. | 23 |
Former Ford autos, briefly | 26 |
Former Ford full-sizes | 22 |
Former Ford subcompact | 22 |
Former Ford, familiarly | 23 |
Former Forest Hills org. | 24 |
Former Formula One car engine | 29 |
Former fort near Monterey | 25 |
Former fort on Monterey Bay | 27 |
Former Fox teen series | 22 |
Former French currency | 22 |
Former French first lady | 24 |
Former French fortification | 27 |
Former French franc fraction | 28 |
Former French franc fractions | 29 |
Former French money: Abbr. | 26 |
Former French Premier Léon | 29 |
Former French president | 23 |
Former French president Coty | 28 |
Former French prime minister | 28 |
Former French protectorate | 26 |
Former French province | 22 |
Former French textile city | 26 |
Former French toastee? | 22 |
Former frequent fliers | 22 |
Former freshman, for short | 26 |
Former frontman for The Cars | 28 |
Former gambling spots in NYC | 28 |
Former gas-station freebie | 26 |
Former gasoline additive | 24 |
Former gen.'s status | 24 |
Former General Motors brand | 27 |
Former General Motors make | 26 |
Former Genoese magistrate | 25 |
Former Genovese magistrate | 26 |
Former genus of primates | 24 |
Former geopolitical letters | 27 |
Former Georgia senator | 22 |
Former Georgia senator Miller | 29 |
Former Georgia senator Sam | 26 |
Former German chancellor | 24 |
Former German chancellor Kohl | 29 |
Former German coal center | 25 |
Former German money unit | 24 |
Former German protectorate | 26 |
Former German republic | 22 |
Former German silver coin | 25 |
Former Giant coach Sherman | 26 |
Former Giant manager Felipe | 27 |
Former Giant pitcher Robb | 25 |
Former Giant running back | 25 |
Former Giant's family | 25 |
Former Giant, ___ Rote | 22 |
Former Giants closer Nen | 24 |
Former Giants closer Robb __ | 28 |
Former Giants pitcher Robb | 26 |
Former Giants player Jason | 26 |
Former girls' magazine | 26 |
Former glamour girl North | 25 |
Former GM make, for short | 25 |
Former gold coins of Spain | 26 |
Former Golden Arches burger | 27 |
Former golfing great Tony | 25 |
Former gossip columnist | 23 |
Former Gotham mayor Giuliani | 28 |
Former governor of Alaska | 25 |
Former governor of Ariz. | 24 |
Former Governor of California | 29 |
Former Governor of Georgia | 26 |
Former governor of Iowa | 23 |
Former Governor of Penna. | 25 |
Former governor Ventura | 23 |
Former governors of Algiers | 27 |
Former gp. from the Kremlin | 27 |
Former Grammy category | 22 |
Former grapplers' org. | 26 |
Former Greek P.M. Papandreou | 28 |
Former green card agcy. | 23 |
Former Green Party candidate | 28 |
Former Gretna Green activity | 28 |
Former grouch at the opera? | 27 |
Former Gulf competitor | 22 |
Former Haight-Ashbury sight | 27 |
Former Haitian president | 24 |
Former Harrison bandmate | 24 |
Former Harvard football coach | 29 |
Former Harvard president | 24 |
Former Hawaii senator Hiram | 27 |
Former Heat player, to fans | 27 |